North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.24), Box 24
Howett, Sylvanus Senr. 1826

Writ dated the 4th Monday in July 1826 and issued 8 Sep 1826 to take the bodies of Richard Brickhouse and summon Samuel T. Sawyer, administrator of Sylvanus Howett Senr. and have them at court on the 4th Monday of October next and there to answer unto Zebulon Tarkenton, Chairman, and Silas Davenport, D. N. Bateman, Burton Hathaway, John Haughton, Eben. Pettigrew, B. W. Halsey, Jeremiah H. Phelps, Henderson Sutton, Matthew Brickhouse, Richard Howett, Enoch Hassell, Frederic Davenport, Abram Pledger, Eph. Mann, Edmon Alexander, Amos Thoroughgood, Jos. Owens, David Clayton, Jno. B. Beasley, Wm. Alfred, Benj. Sikes & Abner Sawyer of a plea that they render unto them the sum of one thousand pounds which they owe and detain to their damage.

Summons dated the 4th Monday in October 1826 and issued 1 Nov 1826 and directed to the Sheriff of Chowan County for Malachi Houghton to appear in court on the 4th Monday in January next to testify on behalf of Saml. T. Sawyer administrator in a case wherein Saml. T. Sawyer administrator of Sylvanus Howett is plaintiff and Silas Hassell and others are defendants.

Writ dated the 4th Monday in January 1827 and issued 2 Apr 1827 to take the bodies of Samuel Leigh, Ephraim Mann & Lemuel Basnight and have them at court on the 4th Monday in April next to answer unto the Governor to the use of Samuel T. Sawyer, administrator of Sylvanus Howett Senr. of a plea that they render unto him the sum of $4,000 which they owe and detain to his damage $100. There is also an appearance bond for the July Term. There is also a warrant for Thomas Midyett to appear at the September Term of the Superior Court and testify on behalf of Samuel Leigh and others.

Summons dated the 4th Monday in April 1827 for Solomon Hassell, Harmon Alexander & Jos. Hassell to appear in court on the 4th Monday in July next to testify on behalf of Silas Hassell in a case wherein Sylvanus Howett's administrator is plaintiff and Silas Hassell is defendant.

Summons dated 23 Jul 1827 for M. Haughton Esq. to appear immediately in court and testify on behalf of the Justices S. Howett etc. in a matter in which said Howett etc. are plaintiffs and Rich. Brickhouse et all are defendants.

Promissory note dated 27 Feb 1828 in which Silas Hassell & Lovic Swain promes to pay on order $3.62 1/2 to Saml. T. Sawyer, administrator of Sylvanus Howett deceased, for value received.

Bail bond dated 26 Aug 1828 for Silas Hassell & Lovic Swain to appear at court on the 4th Monday in October 1828 to answer Samuel T. Sawyer administrator of S. Howett. Also signed by Hosea Hassell.

Transcriber's Notes:

There is also an 1826 estate file in Chowan County for Sylvanus Wowett.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated November 17, 2020
Charles W. Barnes