North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.27), Box 27
Ligon, Green W., 1838

Receipt dated 9 Jan 1835 from Green W. Ligon acknowledging receipt of nine barrels of wine from D. N. Bateman for sale on commission at $25 per barrel of thirty one and one half gallons upon which he has paid $74.50.

Writ dated the first Monday in September 1836 directed to the Sheriff of Wake County for Green W. Ligon to be at the Superior Court of Law in Tyrrell County on the first Monday in March next to answer unto Daniel N. Bateman in a plea of trespass on the case to his damage $150.

Appearance bond of Green W. Ligon & John J. Christopher dated 9 Jan 1837 in the amount of $300 guaranteeing their appearance at the Superior Court of Law in Tyrrell County on the first Monday in March next and answer unto Daniel N. Bateman in a plea of trespass on the case to his damage $150.

Summons dated the first Monday in September 1837 and issued 18 Jan 1838 to the Sheriff of Wake County suggesting that Green W. Ligon is deceased and summoning his executors and administrators to appear personally at the Superior Court of Law in Tyrrell County on the first Monday in March next and show cause, if any, why judgement should not be entered against them.

Transcriber's Notes:

There is a large 1836 estate file for Green W. Ligon in Wake County.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated June 21, 2024
Charles W. Barnes