North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.30), Box 30
Long, James, 1825

Petition April Term 1825 by Joshua Alexander, Nancy Fisher wife of B. F. Fisher and Sally wife of Thomas Weatherly. Petition shows that James Long made his last will and testament and devised to his sons James, Stephen & Levi Long all his land on Scuppernong River except fifty acres adjoining Bullenshalls Island. Petitioner Joshua Alexander states that James Long sold his undivided share to Samuel Norman and Samuel sold to petitioner Joshua Alexander. Petitioners say that Levi Long removed to the western country and they do not know if he is dead or not and if dead do not know if he left any heirs or not. Petitioners further state that they do not know if Stephen Long has any other heirs at law or devisees except your petitioners Nancy & Sally. Petitioners pray that sixty days notice in some public newspaper be made calling upon the heirs at law or the devisees of Stephen Long to appear at the next term and cause themselves to be made parties to this petition or this petition will be set for hearing expartee and petitioners further pray an order to divide the said lands.

Transcriber's Notes:

The B. F. Fisher, husband of Nancy above appears to be the Benjamin Fisher in the 1820 census of Tyrrell County.

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Updated June 18, 2024
Charles W. Barnes