North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.28), Box 28
Liverman, Adamant, 1835

Bond dated 28 Apr 1835 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Samuel C. Patrick administrator of the estate of Adamant Liverman deceased, Hez. G. Spruill & Miles Liverman securities.

Petition April Term 1835 by Julia Liverman, widow of Adamant Liverman deceased, who represents that her husband died on the 20th April present siezed and possessed of one hundred acres of land adjoining Daniel Bateman and others and leaving as his heirs at law his children Eliza, Frederic, Nancy, Angelica & Mary. Petitioner further shows that she is entitled to dower and prays a writ of dower be issued to the Sheriff.

Petition April Term 1835 by Julia Liverman, widow of Adamant Liverman deceased, who represents that her husband died about the 20th April present having a considerable personal property on which estate Saml. C. Patrick administered at the present term. She further represents that she is advised that she is entitled to a year's allowance therefrom. She prays a magistrate and three freeholders be appointed to lay off the same.

Court order April Term 1835 to the Sheriff to summon a jury and lay off to Julia Liverman, widow of Adamant Liverman, dower in the land of her husband said to contain 100 acres joining the land of Daniel Bateman.

Laying off of a year's allowance to the widow of Adamant Liverman on 20 Jul 1835 by Chas. McClees, H. Armstrong & Jos. Bateman.

Laying off of the dower of Julia Liverman in the land of her deceased husband Adamant Liverman on 20 Jul 1835 by John McClees, Deputy Sheriff, and Charles McClees, Frederick Patrick, Samuel Rogers, D. S. Godfrey, Thomas B. Myers, Joseph W. Tarkenton, F. B. Armstrong, William Armstrong, H. Armstrong, Joshua Phelps, Daniel Bateman & Harmon Alexander.

Bond dated 27 Apr 1836 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Dempsey S. Godfrey administrator de bonis non of the estate of Adamant Liverman deceased, Hez. G. Spruill & Miles Liverman securities.

Petition October Term 1836 by Julia Liverman who states that her year's allowance was layed off in her deceased husband's estate with an estimated value of $155.75 and was entitled to receive the same from the administrator, Samuel C. Patrick, who has since died and administration de bonis non was granted to Dempsey S. Godfrey. The said Samuel having died without satisfying or paying any part of your petitioner's year's allowance, she is entitled to have and receive the same from said Dempsey if he has the assets to that amount. She therefore prays process against the administrator de bonis nor and a decree issued to pay your petitioner such sum as she may be entitled to.

Answer October Term 1836 of Dempsey S. Godfrey, administrator debonis non of Adamant Liverman admits that the proceedings charged in the petition of Julia Liverman took place in the lifetime of Samuel C. Patrick but this respondent avers that he has not assets beyond the sum of $116.14 which he is ready and willing to disburse according to law.

Summons dated 25 Jan 1837 for Dempsey S. Godfrey as administrator of Adament Liverman deceased to appear before a Justice of the Peace on 26 Jan 1837 in Columbia to answer the complaint of Fredk. Liverman in a plea of debt due by account in the sum of $29.
Samuel Rogers J. P. says on 26 Jan 1837 that the defendant suggests a deficiency of assets. The plaintiff's demand to the amount of $14.50 is found to be just & judgement accordingly for that sum in favor of the plaintiff subject to the decision of Tyrrell Co. Co upon the defendants suggestion of a deficiency of assets - the residue of the plaintiffs demand is cancel by the statute of limitations.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Adamont Liverman to Julia Cohoon on 14 Aug 1818, William Ward security; also Frederick Liverman to Elizabeth Cahoon on 17 Jan 1845, Miles Liverman security; also Ann Jilico Liverman to Asa Mekins on 6 May 1856, Thomas J. Mann & Saml. McCleese securities.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Julia Liverman (56) with Frederick J. Liverman (30), Elizabeth Liverman (26), Martha A. Liverman (5), Mary C. Liverman (4) and William Liverman (1).
Also the household of Thomas Jones (26) with Nancy Jones (37), Alfred Jones (6), Nancy Jones (4) and Angelico Liverman (15).

See the 1808 will and 1814 estate papers of John Liverman Senr., who was the father of Adamant Liverman.

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Updated June 20, 2024
Charles W. Barnes