State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 2, page 142
Dated 1 December 1837

In the name of God Amen: I Dempsy Liverman of the County of Tyrrell and the State of North Carolina, being of sound and memory, thanks be to God, doth this day of our Lord, December the first 1837 make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following; that all my lawful debts be paid by my executors hereafter named.

Item - I give unto my two sons Wilson Liverman and Frederic Liverman all my lands on the west side of the main road joining my home plantation to be equally divided and it is my will whenever my two sons Wilson & Frederic gets a lawful right from Martha Cooper right of land of thirty seven acres whereon Mary Liverman formerly livd, that for them to give the right of land whereon Benj. Cooper lives to Martha Coopers children John, Nancy, Martha, Mary, Benj., Jos., and Davis Cooper equally to be divided with all the improvements ---

Item - I give unto my son Maria Liverman the land I bought of Issac Cahoon, joining Wm. Alfred and Jos. Sawyer ninety seven and half acres; also two hundred dollars in cash, also one bead and furniture, also a secretary and book case one safe, two tables her choice.

Item - I give unto my two sons Wilson and Frederic Liverman each one bead and furniture also my blacksmith tools and corn sheller - then I leave my old negroes Andrew, Harkles, Jeckanias and Farobe to be sold by my executors, then I give all the residue of my estate real and personal to be equally divided with my heirs Wilson, Frederic, Franklin and Maria Liverman and I hereby appoint my two beloved sons Wilson and Frederic Liverman my true and lawful executors to this my last will and testament, whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal day and date above written.

Dempsy Liverman (Seal)

County Court
April Term 1838

This will was exhibited in open court and proved by the oath of Charles McClees, Samul Rogers and Jno. McCleese, the will being all in the hand writing of the testator ordered that it be registered.

Test Jos. Halsy Clk.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.28), Box 28
Liverman, Dempsey, 1838

Petition October Term 1839 of Franklin Liverman by his next friend John Cooper and Mariah Liverman by her next friend John Cooper who show that Dempsey Liverman died with a will making his sons Wilson & Frederick Liverman his executors who qualified. By his said will he devised several negroes to be equally divided amongst all his children, your orators and executors. Petitioners pray that commissioners be appointed to divide the same. Charles McCleese, Thompson Liverman & Frederick Patrick were appointed as commissioners.

Execution dated the 4th Monday in July 1839 and issued 20 Aug 1839 against the goods & chattels, lands & tenements of Dempsey Liverman in the hands of his executors and I. B. Meekins for $140 which Benj. Sikes lately recovered against him for debt with interest from 25 Oct 1838 plus the sum of $12.75 for damages, costs and charges of said suit whereof the said Liverman & Meekins are convicted and liable. No sale.

Execution dated the 4th Monday in October 1839 and issued 10 Nov 1839 against the goods & chattels, lands & tenements of Dempsey Liverman in the hands of his executors and I. B. Meekins for $140 which Benj. Sikes lately recovered against him for debt with interest from 25 Oct 1838 plus the sum of $13.10 for damages, costs and charges of said suit whereof the said Liverman & Meekins are convicted and liable. No sale for want of bidders.

Execution dated the 4th Monday in January 1840 and issued 20 Feb 1840 against the goods & chattels, lands & tenements of Isaac B. Meekins & Dempsey Liverman in the hands of his executors for $140 which Benj. Sikes lately recovered against him for debt with interest from 25 Oct 1838 plus the sum of $13.45 for damages, costs and charges of said suit whereof the said Meekins is convicted and liable. Indulged by plaintiff.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in October 1849 with no issue date for Fredk. Liverman & Franklin Liverman to be in court on the fourth Monday in January instant to answer the petition of T. Swain & wife in a case in which T. Swain and wife are plaintiffs and Fredk. Liverman & Franklin Liverman are defendants.

Petition January Term 1850 by Thomas Swain and wife Mariah late Liverman who show that Dempsey Liverman died in 1838 possessed of a large estate of realty and personalty, that previous thereto he made and published a last will & testament in form to pass realty and personal estate, that therein he appointed Fredk. Liverman & Wilson Liverman executors therto, who duly caused the same to be admitted to probate and qualified thereto. He left three sons surviving him to wit Fredk., Wilson & Franklin and a daughter, your petitioner Mariah now intermarried with petitioner Thos. Swain to all of whom he gave legacies under the will aforesaid. Petitioners further show that said Wilson is dead, that said Fredk., Wilson & Franklin have all received their shares of the estate agreeable to the will, while the petitioners have received nothing but their share of the slaves of said estate, They further show that under the will they are in right of said Mariah entiled to a large portion of monies derived from hires of slaves & sales of perishable estate, from notes, bonds and monies on hand at said testators death & all of which is or ought to be in the hands of the said Frederick, against whom he prays an account decree & such other remedy & relief as by law entitled and to that end he prays copies and subpoenas issue to said Fredk. & Franklin commanding them to appear and answer the allegations hereof.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in October 1850 with no issue date for Fredk. Liverman & Franklin Liverman to be in court on the fourth Monday in January instant to answer the petition of T. Swain & wife in a case in which T. Swain and wife are plaintiffs and Fredk. Liverman & Franklin Liverman are defendants.

Transcriber's Notes:

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Elikam Swain (59) with Mary Swain (56), Thomas Swain (21), Maria Swain (18), Elizabeth Morris (17), and Thomas Liverman (14).

Return to Tyrrell County Wills Introduction

Updated June 20, 2024
Jean H. Pennell