Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

April Session 1842

Ordered that Charles McClees, Jesse Sikes & Jordan L. Jones audite and settle the estate of William C. Liverman deceased with Fredk. Patrick administrator.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.29), Box 29
Liverman, William C., 1837

Bond dated 26 Jan 1837 in the amount of six hundred dollars appointing Frederic Patrick administrator of the estate of Wm. C. Liverman deceased, Chas. McClees & Dempsey Liverman securities.

Petition April Term 1837 of Mary Liverman widow of Wm. C. Liverman deceased who died intestate October last and administration upon his estate was granted to Frederick Patrick. Petitioner prays an order for her year's allowance to be set aside out of the estate.

Petition July Term 1841 of Frederick Patrick, to whom administration upon the estate of William C. Liverman was granted as the highest creditor of the intestate at January Term 1837. At that time petitioner was a creditor of the said William C. and he was indebted in the sum of $106 for money paid as security of the said William C. Liverman. After paying off the debts of higher dignity of said intestate's estate the assets of the estate were exhausted and there was nothing your petitioner might retain in satisfaction of his own estate. Petitioner further shows that William C. Liverman died seized of 37 acres in Gum Neck adjoining the lands of Joseph Pledger & Thompson Liverman which lands have descended to William & Samuel Liverman infants under the age of 21 years, the children and heirs at law of the said William C., and that the said William & Samuel have no guardian. Petitioner therefore prays that the said lands be sold and the debt, interest and costs of petitioner be discharged.

Answer filed July Term 1841 by Wm. & Saml. Liverman, in fact by their guardian ad litem T. H. Alexander. Respondents admit the administration in manner and form as charged upon W. C. Liverman's estate, but they know nothing of the indebtedness of the intestate and pray ? may be held to strict proof. Nor do they know anything of the state of the estate. They admit the descent of the lands (to them as heirs) set forth in petition and that they viz. Wm. & Saml. Liverman are the heirs at law of said Wm. and the submit the case to the consideration of the court.

Summons dated the fourth Monday of July 1841 for William & Samuel Liverman, children of Wm. C. Liverman, to be in court on the fourth Monday in October next to answer the petition of F. Patrick

Summons dated the fourth Monday of October 1841 and issued 11 Nov 1841 for Wm. & Samuel Liverman, children of Wm. C. Liverman, to be in court on the fourth Monday in January next to answer the petition of F. Patrick

Examination of the account of Frederick Patrick, administrator of the estate of William C. Liverman, on 24 Oct 1843.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of William C. Liverman to Mary Jones on 21 Jun 1831, Samuel G. Patrick security.

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Updated May 17, 2024
Charles W. Barnes