Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

April Session 1820

Administration on the estate of James McCabe was committed to Zebulon Tarkenton the widow first ? the rite who entered into bond with approved security ordered that letters of administration issue thereon & that he proced to sell the perishable estate of said deceased and account for the same as the law directs.

Ordered that James Wood Daniel Bateman & Wilson B. Hodges Esqr. lay off to Demeris McCabe wife of James McCabe deceased one years provision out of the estate of said deceased agreeable to act of assembly & make return to the next term.of the estate of James McCabe deceased & filed.

July Session 1820

Zebulon Tarkenton returned in open court the inventory & account sales of the estate of James McCabe deceased & filed.

Wilson B. Hodges Esqr. returned in open court the years provision of Demmeris McCabe widow of James McCabe deceased & filed.

October Session 1820

Demiras McCabe widow of James McCabe petition to the court for dower in the above suit ordered that Zebulon Tarkenton be appointed guardian ad litum to the following infant heirs at law of James McCabe - - James, William Sally Ebelina Betsy Minerva, Julia Ann, and Demiras McCabe who as administrator of James McCabe and guardian to the children accept service of this notice, ordered that the prayer of this petition be granted.

Ordered that the sheriff sumons a lawfull jury to go on the premises of James McCabe deceased and lay off the dower of Demiras McCabe formerly wife of said deceased and make return to next term.

January Session 1821

John Beasley returned in open court the widows dower in the lands of James McCabe deceased & filed.

Ordered that a rule be granted to Demerus McCabe to show cause why the return and report of the jury allowing to her dower in her late husband James McCabes land should not be set aside.

October Session 1821

Ordered that a rule be granted to Demerus McCabe to shew cause why the return & report of the jury allowing to her dower in her late husband James McCabe's land should not be set aside.

January Session 1822

Ordered that the sheriff summon a lawful jury to go on the premises of James McCabe deceased & lay off to Demerus McCabe widdow of said deceased her thirds of the said James McCabes lands & make report to the next term & that the former report of the jury be set aside.

April Session 1822

W. B. Hodges returned in open court Demeras McCabes dower in the land of her husband James McCabe & file.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.30), Box 30
McCabe, James, 1820

Note dated 1 Jan 1820 in which James McCabe, Zebulon Tarkenton & John Bateman promise to pay James Hoskins one thousand dollars on 1 Jan 1821 with interest for value received. Witnessed by John B. Beasley.

Bond dated 4 Apr 1820 in the amount of two thousand dollars appointing Zebulon Tarkenton administrator of the estate of James McCabe deceased, Danl. Bateman & Richd. Roughton securities.

Court order December Term 1821 for the Sheriff to assemble a jury to lay off the dower of Demarias McCabe in the lands of her deceased husband, James McCabe.

Laying off of the dower in the lands of James McCabe deceased to his widow, Demarias McCabe on 29 Mar 1822 by Wilson B. Hodges, Deputy Sheriff, attended by Henry Norman, Joshua Hassell, Henry Gibson, Uriah Caswell, Thomas Harris, Wm. Walker, Charles Phelps. Jesse Hassell, Daniel Ansley, Miers F. Truitt, Wilson Lamb & Daniel N. Bateman, freeholders unconnected to Demarias McCabe. The widow received 23 out of the 65 acres, including the dwelling house and all other improvements.

There are many summons and executions in this file against the estate of James McCabe that are related to suits brought by Wilson B. Hodges and James Hoskins that appear to be of no genealogical value.

Transcriber's Notes:
Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of James McCabe to Demeris Spruill on 29 Dec 1797, John Marriner security; also Jno. Newberry to Sally McCabe on 9 Sep 1835, Silas Davenport security.

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Updated May 2, 2024
Charles W. Barnes