North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.31), Box 31
McCray, John, 1837

Bond dated 23 Jan 1837 in the amount of five thousand dollars appointing William Spruill guardian to Sheridan McCray orphan of Jno. McCray deceased, Daniel N. Bateman & Henry Alexander securities.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of William Spruill to Amelia Ann McCray on 10 Nov 1829, Uzziah Spruill security; also John McCrae to Amelia Ann Hooker on 8 Mar 1807.

See the 1832 will of Eliza Hooker and the 1836 estate papers of Eliza Hooker. It mentions her daughter Amelia Ann Spruill and she leaves 1/3 of her estate to her grandson Sheridan McCray. John McCray, her son in law, was deceased before 1829 and her daughter Amelia Ann had remarried to William Spruill.

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Updated June 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes