North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.32), Box 32
Mackey, Samuel, 1834

We John Haughton & Henry Alexander being called upon by James A. Spruill & Daniel N. Bateman to divide the negroes of Samuel Mackey deceased between James A. Spruill & Daniel N. Bateman who was appointed trustee in a marriage contract entered into between James A. Spruill and Nancy Mackey to ? to her the property she heired by the death of her deceased husband, Samuel Mackey, who left at his death two children and one of the said children died before the said James A. Spruill and Nancy Mackey entered into the above mentioned marriage contract and before the said James & Nancy intermarried with each other, and after their marriage the other child of said Mackey died, from which child the said James A. Spruill heired in right of his wife the negroes of the last child that died and in consequene of which we the said John Haughton & Henry Alexander proceed to divide the above mentioned negroes in the following manner. To wit, we have set off and divided to James A. Spruill negro man Aaron valued at $450, boy Stephen valued at $300, boy Jim valued at $325, negro girl Grace valued at $175, girl Caroline $225, girl Amanda valued at $225 and girl Jenny valued at $175. We have also divided and set off to Daniel N. Bateman, trustee of Nancy Mackey, now the wife of James A. Spruill the following negroes, to wit, negro man Prince valued at $450, man Willis valued at $500, boy Windsor valued at $300, woman Feribee valued at $275 and girl Dealer valued at $350 all of which was done on the 13th day of January 1834.

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Updated June 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes