North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.34), Box 34
Midyett, William, 1836

Bond dated 26 Apr 1836 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Matilda Midyett administratrix of the estate of William Midyett deceased, Thomas Midyett & George H. Alexander securities.

Petition July Term 1838 by Matilda Midyett whose late husband William Midyett died intestate seized of a tract of land containing about one hundred and eighty acres and that dower therein has not been alloted to her. She prays the court to issue a writ of dower to the Sheriff. Note at bottom listing the heirs at law as Thomas, William & Martha Midyett.

Bond dated 28 Oct 1839 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Neil F. Reid guardian to Wm., Thomas & Martha Midyett, orphans of Wm. Midyett deceased, Thomas M. Midyett & Thomas B, Midyett securities.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of William Midget to Matilda Dowdy on 28 Jul 1829, Edmund Alexander security.

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Updated June 29, 2024
Charles W. Barnes