North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.33), Box 33
Meekins, Sarah, 1834

Bond dated 10 Dec 1834 in the amount of seven hundred dollars appointing Isaac Meekins special administrator of the estate of Sarah Meekins deceased, Joseph Alexander & Seth Sanders securities.

Bond dated 26 Jan 1835 in the amount of eighteen hundred dollars appointing Isaac Meekins administrator of the estate of Sarah Meekins deceased, Morris Weskett & George H. Alexander securities.

Petition January Term 1835 by Isaac Meekins, administrator of Sarah Meekins deceased, who says that the estate of the intestate is so far indebted that the claims against the estate can't be settled by the perishable chattel property and monies on hand at the time of her decease and debts due her. To pay these debts and for proper distribution of the estate upon completion of administration, sale of the negroes belonging to the estate is necessary. Petitioner shows there are but two negroes belonging to the estate, a negro man named Brutus and a negro woman named Phoebe, and that so much of the estate as shall remain in his hands after payment of debts is distributable among nine representatives, her children. Petitioner prays a decree to sell the said negros.

Transcriber's Notes:

See the 1830 court and estate records of Thomas Meekins. Sarah Meekins appears to be his widow.

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Updated June 25, 2024
Charles W. Barnes