State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 3, page 3
5 Aug 1838

August 5th. 1838- State of N. Carolina Tyrrel County- In the name of God amen. I Adin Meekins being of sound mind & memory but calling to mind that it is apointed for all men once to die, so make this my last will and Testament &c-

Item- I give & bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Meekins one cow & calf during her life time or widowhood also I lend my beloved wife Nancy Meekins the use of negro Mingo together with all the residue of my movable property during her life time or widowhood I also lend my beloved wife Nancy the use of the manner plantation whereon I now live during her life time or widowhood- Then after her death or marriage. I give and bequeath to my two daughters Mary & Nancy Ann Meekins my negro man Mingo also one bed & firniture each, also one pare of silver shoe buckles. I give my daughter Mary which was her grand mothers, also I give & bequeath to my daughter Nancy Ann one clock to them and there heirs forever. Then I give and bequeath to my affectionate son Jordan S. Meekins the tract of land to the westward of the plantation whereon I now live which formerly belonged to William Liverman containing 25 acres also one cow and calf also one colt by the name of Fly. To him & his heirs forever- Then I give & bequeath to my affectionate son Henry Meekins one half of the tract of land wheron I now live including the building and the other half to my son Jonathan H. Meekins the dividing line between them to run East & West, then I give my son Henry one case & bottles and to my son Johnathan I give one gun after the death or marriage of my wife to them and there heirs forever- after paying my just debts then I leave the residue of my estate not given away to be sold after the death or marriage of my wife & the money equally divided amoungst my lawful heirs &c - Then I leave my friend M. P. Brickhouse & my son Jordan S. Meekins my executors to this my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal.

Adin Meekins (Seal)

In presence of
M. P. Brickhouse
Joshua. I. White

County Court
Jany. Term 1842

The last Will & Testament of Adin Meekins decd. Was exhibited in open court & proved by the oath of Joshua I. White in due form of law who swore that said Meekins was at the time of signing sd. Will of sound mind & memory M. P. Brickhouse came into court & renounces as Exr. To sd. Will & the same was proved by him also as passing realty & personalty

Jos. Alexander Clk

Recorded 24 Jany. 1842
Jos. Alexander Clk.

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1842

The last will and testamentb of Aden Meekins was exhibited in open court and proved by the oath of Joshua T. White who swore that said William Meekins was of sound disposing mind and memory at the time he signed.

Matthew P. Brickhouse came into court and renounces as executor of Aden Meekins deceased and the said Meekins will was then proved by M. P. Brickhouse as passing both ? and personally.

Ordered that administration on the estate of Aden Meekins be committed to Nancy Meekins with the will annexed and that she enter into bond of one thousand dollars with George Hassell, Jas. A. Cooper & Franklin Liverman securities.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.33), Box 33
Meekins, Aden, 1842

Bond dated 23 Jan 1842 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Nancy Meekins administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Aden Meekins deceased, George Horswell, John A. Cooper & Franklin Liverman securities.

Petition July Term 1846 by Henry Meekins who states that his father, Aden Meekins, died on or about 1 Apr 1843 seized and possessed of two tracts of land, one of 50 acres adjoining Jordan L. Jones, Luther Babbit, Jno. Patrick's heirs and Thomas J. Liverman's heirs and the other of 25 acres adjoining Jno. Patrick's heirs and Thomas J. Liverman's heirs. His said father, Aden, left as his heirs at law to whom said land descended as tenants in common in equal proportion your petitioner, Henry Meekins, Jonathan H. Meekins, Ann Meekins, Mozella Meekins, James Anson Meekins & Jordan Meekins who is now dead, leaving an heir, Jordan. Petitioner is desirous of having his share in severalty and he prays the necessary orders and that guardians be appointed for said heirs who are infants.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in September 1846 and issued 20 Aug 1846 for Mary Meekins, Ann Meekins, Mezella Meekins, James A. Meekins & Jordan Meekins to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October to answer the petition of Henry Meekins.

Court order September Term 1846 that F. Patrick, T. J. Cooper, T. J. Babbitt, F. Liverman & Isaac Spencer survey and divide the land of Aden Meekins between the heirs at law.

Court order on the fourth Monday in October to the Sheriff to summon F. Patrick, T. L. Cooper, Luther Babbit, Franklin Liverman & Isaac Spencer or any three of them to divide with the surveyor the lands of Henry Meekins among his heirs at law.

Division of the lands of Aden Meekins deceased among his heirs at law on 31 Oct 1846. A tract of 47 1/2 acres was divided into five tracts of 9 1/2 acres each (lots 1 - 5) and a tract of 24 acres across the road was divided into two tracts of 12 acres each (lots 6 & 7). Since lots 6 & 7 are of inferior quality, lots 1 - 5 pay $12 each.
Lot 1 - Jordan Meekings
Lot 2 - Mossilla Meekings
Lot 3 - Nancy A. Meekings
Lot 4 - James A. Meekings
Lot 5 - Jonathan Meekings
Lot 6 - Mary Meekings
Lot 7 - Henry Meekings

Petition in Equity Spring Term 1853 of Jordan L. Jones guardian to Ann, Mozilla & James Anson Meekins, infants of tender years and children of Aden Meekins, complaining that the said wards own an estate in fee simple in a 30-acre tract of land adjoining the lands of Ashbee Jones, Charles McCleese and others. The land is cleared but is without improvements so that it does not rent to advantage, not paying two percent on its value and from the cause of cultivation of rented land it is constantly depreciating in value. It will have to be sold after your petitioners arrive at age since there is not enough land for each to take their share for cultivation. Petitioners show that the land will sell for its full value now and a sale would greatly enhance the interests of its owners. Pray a decree for sale of said lands. The Court of Equity subsequently approved the petition and ordered the clerk and master to sell the property at public sale from the court house door after 40 days notice, reserving the cost of the petition from the proceeds.

Receipt of Saml. B. Terry on 9 Feb 1852 for $17.71 from Jordan L. Jones, guardian, for the tuition of Mozella Meekins & Anson Meekins.

Receipt of J. L. Jones dated 9 Sep 1853 for two bonds executed by Ashbee Jones, S. A. Truitt & Saml. McClees for $247.50 each dated 6 Jun 1853 for the sale of land ordered by the Court of Equity per his petition as guardian.

Bond dated 23 Oct 1854 in the amount of six hundred dollars appointing Bartlett Jones Junr. guardian to Anson & Mozilla Meekins, Thomas Swain & Benja. A. Spruill securities.

Bond dated 29 Jul 1856 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Ashbee Jones guardian to Anson & Mozilla Meekins, Franklin Liverman & Timothy Jones securities.

Summons dated 12 Jan 1858 for Ashbee Jones, guardian to Mosilla & Anson Meekins, to appear in court on the fourth Monday in January 1858 and file the guardian returns he has failed to file according to law.

Receipt from Ashbee Jones to T. L. Jones, guardian of Anson Meekins for $12 in payment for board of said Anson from 9 Jul 1851 to 3 Feb 1852 while at school.

Bond dated 23 Jan 1860 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Ashbee Jones guardian of Mozella & Anson Meekins, William & Lemuel Basnight securities.

This file contains various other receipts for the schooling and care of Anson & Mozella Meekins.

Transcriber's Notes:

It would appear that James Anson Meekins and Mozella Meekins were born after Aden Meekins wrote his will.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Ashby Jones (26), Mary Jones (19), Pantha Jones (1), Anson Meekins (10), Mozella Jones [Meekins] (10) and Timothy Jones (24). Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Ashbee Jones to Mary Meekins on 25 Nov 1847, Luther Babbit security.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Henry Meekins (26) with Mary Meekins (27), Margaret Meekins (5), Cordelia Meekins (3), Aden Meekins (3 mo), William Hudson (25) and Jesse Hudson (22).

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Thomas Jones (68) with Sarah Jones (68), Jenetta Jones (17), Jordan Meekins (7) and Amos Jones (22). this appears to be the Jordan Meekins who was the grandson of Aden Meekins.

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Updated May 20, 2024
Mike Schoettle