Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

July Session 1842

Caroline Mann returned the negro hire of William Mann's negros the year 1842 & guardian account.

October Session 1842

Upon the petition filed by Jesse Sanderson and wife Caroline against William Mann orphan of William Mann deceased for partition of slaves, it is ordered by the court that the clerk of this court be appointed guardian adlitem to attend to the rights of said minor and upon service being accepted by said guardian of said petition it is ordered by the court that partition be made according to the prayer of the petitioners and that Benjamin Spruill, Jno. McClees & James I. Pledger be appointed to make said partition and report to the next term of this court.

January Session 1843

Jesse Sanderson returned into court the account of sales of William Mann's negro hire for 1843.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.33), Box 33
Mann, William, 1840

Bond dated 24 Apr 1840 in the amount of twelve thousand dollars appointing H. G. Spruill administrator of William Mann deceased, John McClees, Joseph Alexander & James I. Pledger securities.

Receipt by Caroline Mann dated 1 Dec 1841 for $956.66, the balance due her on settlement of the estate of William Mann deceased, and also $266.08 in full for her share of the estate of her son Jos. E. Mann, all paid by H. G. Spruill administrator of the estate of William Mann.

Receipt by Caroline Mann, guardian, for $956.66, the balance due me as guardian of Wm. Mann, and also $466.80 in full for Wm. Mann's share of the estate of Jos. Mann deceased, all paid by H. G. Spruill administrator of the estate of William Mann.

Promissory note dated 12 May 1842 by Russell Armstrong with Jos. Alexander as security and S. S. Simmons witness to pay H. G. Spruill administrator of Wm. Mann the sum of $9.60 three months from date for value received.

Petition October Term 1842 by Jesse Sanderson and wife Caroline who show that they are tenants in common with William Mann minor and heir of Wm. Mann deceased of the following negroes; (viz.) Peter, Munday, Simon, Frances, Betsy, Phillis, Lucy, Lydia, George, Rany, Samuel & Phillup in the proportion of 1/3 to petitioners and 2/3 to the said Wm. Mann. Petitioners are desirous to have partition made of said negro slaves so they may possess their share thereof in severalty and pray a special guardian be appointed for William Mann for this purpose since petitioner Caroline, his mother, is permanent guardian.

Writ dated 27 Oct 1842 to arrest the bodies of Russel Armstrong & Jos. Alexander and cause them to appear before a Justice of the Peace at D. S. Godfrey on 28 Oct 1842 and answer the complaint of H. G. Spruill administrator ? in a plea of debt by note in the sum of $9.60 with interest from 12 Aug 1842. Judgement made for $9.62 and cost by D. S. Godfrey on 28 Oct 1842. Execution followed.

Division of the negroes belonging to the estate of William Mann deceased between Caroline Mann his wife and William Mann Jr. his son being heirs at law of William Mann Sr. deceased on 28 Dec 1842 in manner and form as follows:
Lot 1
Frank valued at $575
Philop valued at $150
Sam valued at $150
Liddia valued at $400
Philace valued at $362
Total Value Lot 1 is $1637
Lot 2
Monday valued at $450
Petor valued at $100
Betty valued at $400
Simon valued at $400
George valued at $125
Lucia valued at $100
Raymon valued at $100
Total Value Lot 2 is $1675
William Mann drew lot 1 and Caroline Mann drew lot 2 and lot 2 owes lot 1 $37.

Transcript dated 4 Feb 1844 of a suit brought the fourth Monday of July 1843 by Jesse Sanderson and wife against Abram Alexander.
Order to the Sheriff at April Term 1843 and issued 12 Jul 1843 to bring Abram Alexander & Jos. Alexander to court on the fourth Monday in July to answer unto Jesse Sanderson and wife Caroline guardian of a plea of debt in the amount of $1,403 which he detains to their damage $100.
Case tried October Term 1843 and plaintiff obtained a judgement for $1,433.10, interest from 2 Dec 1841 and costs, subject to a credit of $225.92 on 27 Sep 1842. Defendant prayed for and obtained an appeal to the next session of the Superior Court.

Bond dated 23 Oct 1843 by Abram Alexander with S. S. Simmons & T. H. Alexander securities in the sum of four thousand two hundred and seven dollars guaranteeing prosecution of his case at the Superior Court.

Summons to the Sheriff of Washington County dated the fourth Monday in April 1844 and issued 11 Jul 1844 for H. G. Spruill administrator of William Mann to be in court on the fourth Monday in July next to show cause why judgement should not be entered against him for $100.37 with interest from 1 Jul 1832 plus $7.75 for previous costs and charges and costs and charges for this action. This stems from a judgement against William Mann obtained by Jacob Basnight at October Term 1837 for which no execution was ever issued.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in April 1845 for Elijah Basnight to appear immediately in court to testify on behalf of the defendant in a matter in which Jacob Basnight is plaintiff and H. G. Spruill administrator of William Mann is defendant.

Bond dated 24 Jul 1845 in the amount of six thousand dollars appointing Jesse Sanderson guardian to William Mann orphan of William Mann deceased, Samuel Leigh & Jos. A. Spruill securities.

Execution directed to the Sheriff of Washington County dated the fourth Monday in October 1845 and issued 1 Dec 1845 against the goods & chattels, lands and tenements of William Mann deceased in the hands of H. G. Spruill administrator the sum of $59.42 - int from 27 Oct 1845 which Jacob Basnight recovered against H. G. Spruill administrator plus $19.95 in costs and charges. Returned nothing to be found.

Promissory note dated 4 Mar 1850 by John A. McCalister, R. B. Knight & John A. Brickhouse to pay Jesse Sanderson guardian to William Mann $300 on demand one day after date for value received. Witnessed by John A. Pledger. Credited $50 on 28 Oct 1854.

Bond dated 28 Jan 1851 in the amount of ten thousand dollars appointing Jesse Sanderson guardian to William Mann orphan of Wm. Mann, Benj. Spruill & Jos. A. Spruill securities.

Writ dated the fourth Monday in January 1857 and issued 4 Mar 1857 to take the bodies of John A. McAlister & Romulus B. Knight and have them before the court on the fourth Monday of April next to answer unto Jesse Sanderson guardian to William Mann to answer a plea of debt in the amount of $300 & interest with $50 damages.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Caroline Mann to Jesse Sanderson on 28 Sep 1842, Nevel Caroon security.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Jesse Sanderson (29) with Caroline Sanderson (33), Ann E. Sanderson (6), Mary Sanderson (3), Elizabeth Sanderson (9 mo), William Mann (13) and Elizabeth Davenport (49).

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 2, 2024
Charles W. Barnes