North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.33), Box 33
Marchant, William, 1840

Petition July Term 1840 by Sabela Marchant who shows that her husband died seized and possessed of 100 acres in which she is entitled to dower. The heir is a child named Ann, an infant of tender years. She prays a court order for her dower to be layed off.

Petition July Term 1840 by stating that her husband, William Marchant, died and there is no administrator upon his estate. He left a small personal estate from which she is entitled to a year's allowance for herself and child.

Court orders to the Sheriff for the year's allowance and dower to Sabela Marchant.

Transcriber's Notes:

See the 1828 will of Elizabeth Marchant who was a sister of William.

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Updated July 2, 2024
Charles W. Barnes