North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.33), Box 33
Mason, John, 1837

Bond dated 24 Apr 1837 in the amount of twelve hundred dollars appointing Jos. Mann administrator of the estate of John Mason deceased, Joseph Caroon & James Tweedy securities.

Bond dated 23 Oct 1837 in the amount of fifteen hundred dollars appointing Mary Mason guardian to Nancy, David & Elizabeth Mason orphans of Jno. Mason deceased, Munson Caroon & Nevel Caroon securities.

Account of Nancy, David & Elizabeth Mason heirs of John Mason showing payment of $252 to William Midyett for board, clothing, etc. from 1 April 1839 to 1 April 1841 at $42 per year each.

Transcriber's Notes:

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of William Midyett (45) with Mary Midyett (35), Man Midyett (20), Nancy Mason (20), Edward Midyett (18), David Mason (16), Elizabeth Mason (13), Ellen Mason (11), Eliza Mason (8), Matilda Mason (5) and Lewis Mason (2). [Ellen, Eliza, Matilda & Lewis were Midyetts, not Masons.]

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Updated June 24, 2024
Charles W. Barnes