North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.36), Box 36
Norman, John, 1831

Promissory note dated 2 Jan 1830 wherein Frederick Davenport promises to pay John Ansley $50.32 1/2 12 months after date for the hire of a negro man. Witness Daniel Ansley.

Promissory note dated 16 Jan 1831 wherein Frederick Davenport with John Freeman Jr. & Samuel Davenport as securities promise to pay Zilpah Norman administratrix of John Norman deceased the sum of $36.32 for value received six months after date of this note.

Washington County writ dated 11 May 1831 directed to any lawful officer to arrest Frederick Davenport, Jno. Freeman Junr. & Samuel Davenport to appear before a Justice of the Peace on the 14th of May at the house of H. N. Spruill and answer the complaint of D. Clayton, executor of John Ansley deceased, in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of $50.32 1/2 besides interest and cost. Note saying summons for plaintiff Daniel Ansley.
Backside says judgement dated 23 Jul 1831 for the plaintiff in the sum of $50.32 1/2 plus interest from 2 Jan 1831 and cost. Defendant craved a stay.

Washington County writ dated 25 February 1832 directed to any lawful officer to arrest Frederick Davenport and summons Zilpha Norman, administratrix of John Norman deceased, to appear before a Justice of the Peace on the 10th of March at the Cool Spring and answer the complaint of Zilpah Norman, executrix of Jno. Norman deceased, in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of $36.32 besides interest. Note saying summons for plaintiff Ashberry Norman.
Backside says continued to be tried in 30 days on 10 Mar 1832 by Abram Davenport. Judgement entered on 24 Mar 1832 against Frederick Davenport principal and John Freeman & Samuel Davenport securities for $36.32 from ? August 183? and lawful cost. Execution dated 17 Apr 1832 against the goods and chattels of Frederick Davenport for so much as will satisfy the judgement and for want of goods and chattels levy against the lands and tenements. Levied upon the lands of Frederick Davenport adjoining George W. Davenport, William Spruill & others.

Washington County execution dated 26 Mar 1832 against the goods & chattels of Frederick Davenport for $57.23 plus interest and costs to satisfy a judgement that Zilpah Norman, executrix of John Norman deceased, obtained against him on 10 Mar 1832. On deficiency of goods & chattels, levy upon the lands and tenements of said Davenport.
On 18 Apr 1832 no goods & chattels to be found, levied on the lands of Frederick Davenport adjoining the lands of George W. Davenport & William Spruill and others.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of John Norman to Zilpha Alexander on 21 Feb 1804, Joab Norman Sr. security.

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Updated July 3, 2024
Charles W. Barnes