North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.36), Box 36
Norman, Hezekiah, 1830

Promissory note dated 1 Dec 1830 in which Frederick Davenport promises six months after date to pay $17.46 to Zarasiah Norman executrix of Hezekiah Norman for value received with W. F. Davenport & Ira E. Norman securities and Abr. Chesson witness.

Writ dated 6 Aug 1831 to any lawful officer to arrest the body of Frederick Davenport and summons Samuel Davenport as the administrator of William F. Davenport deceased and arrest Ira E. Norman personally to appear before a Justice of the Peace on 13 Aug 1831 at the Cool Spring, then and there to answer the complaint of William Spruill and wife as the executor of Hezekiah Norman deceased in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of $17.42 with interest.

Transcriber's Notes:

Another will that was lost.

The 1831 writ lists William Spruill & wife as executors of Hezekiah Norman whereas the 1830 note only lists his wife Zarasiah. This indicates a marriage of the widow to William Spruill. The 1846 will of William Spruill Sr. mentions his wife Zerah, supporting this hypothesis.

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Updated July 1, 2024
Charles W. Barnes