State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County

Book 1, page 131
Dated 1 May 1781

In the name of God amen: This 1st day of May seventeen hundred and eighty one I Alexander Oliver of Tyrrell County and State of North Carolina Planter being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of God that given it, and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I disposed of in the manner and form following.

Imprimis - I give Will and bequeath unto my beloved son Andrew Oliver one shilling sterling.

Item - I give will and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Urania FitzPatrick one shilling sterling.

Item - I give will and bequeath unto my beloved son Alexander Oliver thirty five acres of land more or less and binding on Andrew Wynns land and Joseph Alexanders thence along a line of marked trees across to Joshua Alexanders land and thence to the first station to him his heirs and assigns forever, also the one half of my working tools.

Item - I give will and bequeath unto my beloved son John Oliver forty acres of land more or less, binding on Josiah Phelps line John Bateman's and Joshua Alexander including the whole of my plantation and thence along the said line of marked threes that parts him and Alexander to him his heirs and assigns forever also the other half part of my working tools.

Item - I give unto my beloved daughter Mary Oliver one feather bed and furniture to her heirs and assigns forever.

Item - I give unto my beloved daughter Nanny Oliver one feather bed and furniture to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

Item - I give unto my beloved wife Mary Oliver one third part of my personal Estate, and the remaining part to be equally divided between my children as follows John Alexander Mary & Nanny Olivers and to be divided at the discretion of my Executors.

Item - I make will constitute and ordain my beloved wife Mary Oliver & my beloved sons Alexander Oliver & John Oliver my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament allowing and disanulling all other former Wills in any ways before named ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament and In

Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day & date above written.

Signed Sealed Published & Delivered
as my last Will and Testament
in presence of

Alexander Oliver (Seal)

Joseph Phelps Junr.
Joshua Alexander
Sarah -x- Alexander

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1781

Joseph Phelps appeared in open court & proved the last will and testament of Alexander Oliver ordered to be registered.

Mary Oliver appeared in open court and qualified executrix to the last will and testament of Alexander Oliver ordere that letters issue.

October Session 1787

Henry Norman Deputy Sheriff exhibits in court an execution at the suit of Joseph Spruill against Mary Oliver executrix of Alexander Oliver wherein he returns levied on the thirds of the land where Alexander Oliver formerly lived on the 2d day of September 1787. Ordered that the Sheriff of Tyrrell County make sale of the same or so much thereof as will satisfy the debt & cost, agreeable to an act of assembly for that purpose.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.36), Box 36
Oliver, Alexander, 1785

Execution dated 10 Nov 1785 against the goods & chattels, lands & tenements of Mary Oliver, executrix of the estate of Alexander Oliver for 4 pounds, 7 shillings & 6 pence with costs. Notes on back indicate Colo. J. Spruill was owed the money and it was taken from lands on 2 Sep 1787.

Another execution against the estate of Alexander Oliver dated 5 Oct 1787 and issued 12 Nov 1787 to satisfy a judgement obtained by Joshua Phelps for 6 pounds, 8 shillings & 6 3/4 pence.

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Updated July 8, 2024
Jean Owens Schroeder