North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.36), Box 36
Overton, Francis & Deborah, 1839

Bond dated 8 Feb 1839 in the amount of four hundred dollars appointing Benjamin Overton as special administrator of the estate of his father, Francis Overton, and mother, Deborah Overton, James F. Davenport & William H. Davenport securities.

Letter of special administration granted to Benjamin Overton by a special court at his house on 8 Feb 1839 consisting of Daniel N. Bateman, James A. Spruill & Silas Davenport, three of the Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, empowering him to expose to public sale the perishable estate of his father Francis and mother Deborah Overton.

Bond dated 22 Apr 1839 in the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars appointing Benjamin Overton administrator of the estate of Deborah Overton deceased, Joab Norman, R. D. Hassell & Benj. B. Hathaway securities.

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Updated July 8, 2024
Charles W. Barnes