North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.37), Box 37
Owens, Jehu, 1824

Promissory note dated 22 Mar 1821 from Bayley Davenport & Jesse Alexander in which either of them promises to pay in cash six months later the sum of $6.58 to Jehu Owens for value received. Witnessed by Allen Howett.

Summons dated 19 [unreadable] 1823 for Enoch Hassell, Blount Davenport, John Brickhouse & John & Samuel Etheridge to appear in court on the 8th of the present month to give evidence in a case of appeal as well on part of the plaintiff as the defendant wherein Jehu Owens is plaintiff and Baily Davenport & John Alexander are defendants summoned in behalf of the defendant. Executed on Blunt Davenport & John Brickhouse Junr., others not found.

Writ dated 2 Oct 1823 for the arrest the bodies of Baley Davenport & Jesse Alexander and have them before a Justice of the Peace to answer the complaint of Jehu Owens [Capt. John Alexander plant. inserted here] in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of ten pounds. Backside says judgement entered on 3 Oct 1823 for $6.58 with interest from 22 Sep 1821 from which judgement the defendant appeals and gives as security B. Brickhouse.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in April 1824 and issued 27 Jul 1824 for Allen Howett to come to court immediately to testify on behalf of John Alexander in a case in which John Alexander is plaintiff and Baily Davenport is defendant.

Execution dated the 4th Monday in April 1825 against the goods & chattels of Jehu Owens in the hands of his administrator for $33.32 1/2 which Bailey Davenport lately recovered against him in a suit brought by Owens administrator for costs and charges of said suit expended.

There are more summons and executions in this file which all deal with the same debt as the others and reveal no further information of significance.

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Updated July 10, 2024
Charles W. Barnes