North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.37), Box 37
Owens, Abraham, 1838

Bond dated 25 Jul 1838 in the amount of four hundred dollars appointing Washington Owens administrator of the estate of Abraham Owens deceased, Lemuel Basnight & Thos. Basnight securities.

Petition July Term 1838 by Washington Owens, administrator of Abram Owens deceased, to sell the personal property belonging to the estate.

Laying of of the year's allowance to Anna Owens, widow of Abraham Owens deceased, on 14 Aug 1838 by William Owens, Henry Holmes & John W. Dutton.

A widow's allowance dated 13 Nov 1838 by Jacob Basnight, Anthony Ward & John Alexander for "Ann Owens or someone else."

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Updated July 8, 2024
Charles W. Barnes