North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.39), Box 39
Picot, Peter O., 1835

Promissory note from Thomas H. Alexander on the 23rd of an unspecified month in 1832 to pay Peter O. Picot on order thirty dollars for value received.

Writ dated 28 July 1835 to arrest the body of Thomas H. Alexander and have him before a Justice of the Peace at Joseph Halsey's house in Columbia on this day to answer the complaint of Julian Picot, administrator of P. O. Picot in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of thirty dollars with interest from 23 Oct 1832. Backside says dismissed at plaintiff's cost on 28 Jul 1835 by Wm. Mann J. P. Appeal craved and granted.

Remaining documents deal with attempts by the plaintiff to have the original note and writ produced in evidence in Superior Court. Seems they could no longer be located.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 9, 2024
Charles W. Barnes