Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1802

Ordered that Capt. Jesse Alexander have leave of administration on the estate of John Phelps deceased and hath entered into bond in the sum of five hundred pounds Thos. Hoskins Senr. and Woollsey Hathaway securities.

Ordered that Jesse Alexander have leave to sell the chattell property of John Phelps deceased and make return to next court.

Ordered that Samuel Spruill Esqr. Joseph Pledger Senr. Henry Alexander and John McClease be appointed to lay off the years allowance to the widow of John Phelps deceased out of the estate of said deceased and make return to court.

January Session 1803

Mr. Jesse Alexander returned in court an inventory and amount of sales of the estate of John Phelps deceased filed.

Ordered that Blake Phelps orphan of Jonathan Phelps be bound to John Hatfield to learn the trade of a ship carpenter & be eucated agreeable to law.

Ordered that Zilpha Phelps widdow of Jno. Phelps be allowed 12 barrells of corn at 25 per barrell 100 lb pork at 50 per 10 lb coffee at 2/6 25 lb sugar at 2/6 total amount 51 pound 2/6 for one years support out of the above estate return filed.

April Session 1807

Ordered that M. E. Cator Richard Davis and Henry Alexander Esquires be appointed to audite settle and divide the estate of John Phelps deceased and make return to next court.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.39), Box 39
Phelps, John, 1802

Bond dated 27 Oct 1802 in the amount of five hundred pounds appointing Jesse Alexander administrator of the estate of John Phelps deceased, Thomas Hoskins Senr. & Woolsey Hathaway securities.

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Updated July 5, 2024
Charles W. Barnes