North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.39), Box 39
Phelps, Asa, 1810

Washington County petition to the Superior Court on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday in March 1811 by Adkins Massey and Lavinia his wife, who show that Asa Phelps, father of petitioner Livinia, died intestate some time last year possessed of a considerable personal property consisting of stock and negroes and leaving a wife, Esther Phelps, who is now intermarried with Enoch Alexander, your petitioner Livinia and Parthenia Phelps, Uriah Phelps, Charles Phelps, Quinden Phelps & Eliza Phelps. All of the property remains undivided in the hands of Enoch Alexander and wife, the administrators of the said Asa Phelps. Petitioners pray an order to divide the remaining personal estate among the heirs of the said Asa.

Summons dated the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March 1810 directed to the Sheriff of Washington County for Enoch Alexander and his wife Esther Alexander, administrator and administratrix of Asa Phelps deceased to be at the Superior Court of Law in Tyrrell County on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next to aswer unto Adkins Massey and Levinia his wife in a plea that they render unto them a certain bay mare of the value of eighty pounds, a riding chair of the value of fifty pounds and a spinning wheel of the value of four pounds which they unjustly detain from them to their damage fifty pounds.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Asa Phelps to Esther Tarkington on 3 Jan 1787, Joseph Phelps Jr. security.

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Updated July 4, 2024
Charles W. Barnes