State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 2, page 22
Dated 20 November 1807

In the name of God amen: The twentieth day of November one thousand eight hundred and seven, I Joseph Pledger of the County of Tyrell in the State of North Carolina being very weak and sick but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for the same therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament that is first of all I give my soul to God that give it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my executors nothing fearing but at the resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly godds as wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give premise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form ---

Item - I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Robert Pledger one hundred acres of land joining of the Great Bridge running out as the lines run ---

Item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Silvy Pledger one hundred acres of land known by the name of the Mulberry Tree Island ---

Item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son William Pledger one hundred acres of land bining on Ludfords line known by the name of the Deaded ground ---

Item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Abram Pledger the remaining part of my lands and swamp known by the name of the uppernecks and down to the sound ---

Item - I give and bequeath to my well beloved son James Pledger one hundred acres of land on the westward part of the Manner Platation where the house now stands the Plantation up Second Creek where the Widdow Sawyer now lives and all the land joining it and one hundred acres of land binding on Tuskarora to be sold at the discretion of my executors and the money put to the use of rainsing and shcooling my five children Abram Pledger William Pledger James Pledger Charlotte Pledger and Olive Pledger should there ever be any dispute in lands or law suits or any expences should arise from all my children to pay their equal part of the expences ---

Item - All my negroes Viz: Peter Sam Mingo Princus Pompey Darb Jupiter Tom Obed George Rachael Dinah Hannah Lucy Pleasant and all their increase must be kept under the direction of the executors for the term of ten years and then to be equally divided between my children, Martha Basnight excepted Viz: Joseph Pledger John Pledger Robert Pledger Silby Pledger Abram Pledger William Pledger James Pledger Nancy Pledger Debora Pledger Loisa Pledger Charlotte Pledger and Olive Pledger ---

Item - All my horses and cattle sheep and hogs for them to be kept under the executors for the raising and supporting my young children for the term of ten years I give to my well beloved son Robert Pledger one bed and furniture and one chest and one trunk that he now has in his possession ---

Item - I give my well beloved daughter Nancy Pledger one bed and furniture and chest that she has now in her possession ---

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Sally Melson five dollars ---

Item - I give to my beloved daughter Debora Pledger one bed and one chest that she now has in her possession ---

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Loisa Pledger one bed & furniture one chest taht she has now in possession ---

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Polly Melson five shillings ---

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Charlotte Pledger one bed and furniture and one chest that she now has in possession ---

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Olive Pledger one bed and furniture and one chest that she now has in her possession ---

Item - I give to my well beloved son Silby Pledger one bed and furniture and one chest that he now has in his possession---

Item - I give to my well beloved son Abram Pledger one bed and furniture and one chest ---

Item - I give to my well beloved son William Pledger one bed and furniture ---

Item - I give to my well beloved son James Pledger one bed and furniture. I give to Martha Basnight wife of Jonathan five pounds and at the end of ten years for all my horses cattle sheep and hogs to be equally divided between my ten children Viz: Nancy Pledger Debora Pledger Loisa Pledger Charlotte Pledger Olive Pledger Robert Pledger Silby Pledger Abram Pledger William Pledger & James Pledger ---

Item - One new canoe made by John Owens I leave to the care of the executors for the use of the Plantation and my young children a note of hand for fifty dollars against Thomas Hunnings I give and bequeath to my young children for the raising and schooling them ---

Item - John Melson Dr. Cash seventy two dollars that I leave for the use of the plantation and children all the remaining part of my estate not named I will and bequeath to my young children for the supporting of them, and it is my will and desire that of either of my children above named should die before they come with age or have heir lawfully begotten of their own body for their part of my estate to all between all Martha Basnight excepted ---

I likewise constitute and appoint Robert Pledger & Joseph Pledger my sons whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testament and do utterly disallow revoke and discontinue all other Wills Legacies and bequeaths ratified and confirmed this to be my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I the said Joseph Pledger have hereuto set my hand and seal the day and date above written.

Joseph Pledger (Seal)

Zadick Hassell
Sillby (his -x- mark) Hassell

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1808

The last will and testament of Joseph Pledger Senr. was proved in open court by the oath of Zadock Hassell and Silby Hassell filed.

Joseph Pledger Junr. and Robert Pledger came into open court and quallified executors to the last will and testament of Joseph Pledger Senr.

October Session 1817

On motion of Robert Pledger executor of the last will & testament of Joseph Pledger it is ordered that Samuel Spruill Danniel Sawyer & Jesse Alexander be appointed commissioners to divide between Joseph, John, Robert, Silby, Abraham, William, James, Nancy, Deby, Louis, Charlotte and Ollive Pledger, the following negroes & their increase in pursuance of a cause in the last will of the said Joseph Pledger to wit Peter, Sam, Mingo, Primus, Pompey, Darby, Jupiter, Tom, Obed, George, Rachel, Dinah, Hannah, Lucy and Pleasant, and that they report to the next term of this court.

Ordered by the court that Robert Pleger executor to the last will and testament of Joseph Pledger deceased have leave to sell the perishable part of the estate & the other property agreeable to said will and make returns to next court.

January Session 1818

Account of sales of the estate of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased was returned in open court on oath by Robert J. Pledger executor ordered filed.

Ordered by the court that Saml. Spruill Esquire, Paul Thoroughgood, Selby Patrick, Jno. McCleary & Thomas Leigh or any three of them be appointed commissioners to divide between Joseph, John, Robert, Selby, Abraham, William, James, Nancy, Deborah, Lois, Charlotte and Olive Pledger heirs at law of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased the following negroes and their increase pursuance of a clause in the last will and testament of said deceased, viz. Peter, Sam, Mingoe, Primus, Pompey, Darby, Jupiter, Tom, Obid, George, Rachel, Dinah, Hannah, Lucy and Pleasant and make return to next court.

April Session 1818

Division of negroes belonging to the estate of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased was returned to court & filed.

Ordered that Jno. Alexander Majr. have leave of administration on the estate of Nancy Pledger one of the legatees of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased, and has entered into bond in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars Saml. Spruill & Henry Alexander Junr. securitys.

July Session 1818

An account sales of the ballance of the estate of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased was returned by Robt. Pledger & filed.

An account of sales of the lands of Joseph Pledger deceased was returned to court on oath by Robt. Pledger Esqr. & filed.

October Session 1818

Robert Pledger was appointed guardian to William & James Pledger orphans of Joseph Pledger & entered into bond & approved security ordered that he receive the estate of said orphans and account for the same as the law directs.

John Alexander was appointed guardian to Olive Pledger orphan of Joseph Pledger & entered into bond with approved security ordered that he receive the estate of said orphan and account for the same as the law directs.

January Session 1819

The guardian accounts of the heirs of Abram Alexander also the guardian account of Olive Pledger was returned by John Alexander & filed.

Ordered that Selby Pledger be apointed guardian to William & James Pledger who entered into bond in the sum of one thousand dollars Abram Pledger & John Alexander securities ordered that he receive the estates of said orphans into his possession & account for the same as the law directs.

April Session 1819

Ordered that Thomas Leigh Henry Alexander & Selby Patrick audite & settle the accounts existing between Robert Pledger as executor to Joseph Pledger Senr. & divide the same agreeable to the will of said deceased & make report to next term.

July Session 1819

Ordered that Selby Patrick Thomas Leigh & Henry Alexander be reappointed to audite & settle the estate of Joseph Pledger deceased & make report to next term & divide the same agreeable to will & the deceased.

October Session 1819

Ordered that Thomas Leigh Henry Alexander & Selby Patrick audite & settle the accounts existing between Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased and his executors & divide the ballance agreeable to the will of said deceased & make returns to the next term.

January Session 1820

John Alexander guardian to Olef Pledger returned in open court on oath an accout of sales of the hire of negroes ballance due said Olef Pledger $78.00 for 1820.

Ordered that John Alexander guardian to Olef Pledger be allowed the sum of $48.91 1/4 cts for articles purchased for the use of said Olef Pledger his ward as per account allowed by the court and filed.

Selby Pledger guardian to William & James Pledger returns on oath in open court an account sales for the hire of negroes & rent of lands for the year 1820 ballance due $60.55 - - & account filed.

Ordered that Thomas Leigh Selby Patrick & Henry Alexander Esqrs. be reappointed to audite & settle the accounts existing between the estate of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased & Robert Pledger deceased his executor & divide the same between the legatees agreeable to the will of said Joseph Pledger deceased & make reports to the next term.

April Session 1820

Thomas Davenport returned in open court the guardian account of the heirs of Joseph Pledger & filed.

Report of audirors & division of the estate of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased was returned in open court & ordered filed.

Ordered that Henry Alexander Thomas Leigh & John Thoroughgood be appointed to audite & settle the accounts existing between Robert J. Pledger deceased former guardian to James Pledger, with Selby Pledger the present guardian & make report to next term.

July Session 1820

Report of auditors between R. J. Pledger former guardian to James Pledger & Selby Pledger present guardian was returned in open court ballance due James Pledger of $65.83 & filed.

April Session 1821

Selby Pledger guardian to James Pledger returned in open court on oath his guardian account & filed.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.40), Box 40
Pledger, Joseph Senr., 1818

Tyrell County, April Term 1818. Ordered by the court that Robert J. Pledger Esqr. executor of the last will and testament of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased after giving forty days notice sell at six and twelve months credit taking bond with sufficient security the land on Second Creek agreeable to the will of said deceased & prayer of the petition of the said executor & make return to next court. Test James Hoskins.

An account of sales of the lands & swamps belonging to the heirs of Joseph Pledger deceased land lying on Second Creek which was devised to be sold by the will of said deceased. Sale July the 13th 1818.
100 acres (No. 411) to Alfred Burges for $10.05
200 acres (No. 597) to Abelah Pledger for $10.10
100 acres (No. 697) to Mathew Brickhouse for $27.00
100 acres (No. 688) to Abram Pledger for $7.00
125 acres (No. 660) to John Rowton for $11.00
25 acres (No. 695) to Charles Alexander for $3.25
25 acres (No. ?) to John Alexander for $3.50
100 acres (No. 694) to Thomas Hassell for $52.00
32 acres a deed to Abraham Pledger for $4.01
132 the plantation to Abraham Pledger for $60.00
150 acres (No. 508) to Abraham Pledger for $60.10

Bond dated 13 Oct 1818 in the amount of one thousand pounds appointing Robert J. Pledger guardian of James Pledger orphan of Joseph Pledger deceased, John Alexander & Selby Patrick securities.

Bond dated 13 Oct 1818 in the amount of one thousand pounds appointing Robert J. Pledger guardian of William Pledger orphan of Joseph Pledger deceased, John Alexander & Selby Patrick securities.

Bond dated 13 Oct 1818 in the amount of one thousand pounds appointing John Alexander guardian of Olive Pledger orphan of Joseph Pledger deceased, Robert J. Pledger & Selby Patrick securities.

Bond dated 11 Jan 1819 in the amount of five hundred pounds appointing Sylba Pledger guardian of William Pledger orphan of Joseph Pledger deceased, Abraham Pledger & John Alexander securities.

Audited account of the estate of Joseph Pledger Senr. deceased with the executor Robert J. Pledger on 18 Feb 1820 with a balance due the estate of $464.93. Pursuant to court order this balance is divided among the legal representatives of the deceased resulting in a ' share of $38.74 1/2 to each, viz. Joseph Pledger, Jno. Pledger, Robert Pledger, Selby Pledger, Abram Pledger, William Pledger, James Pledger, Nancy Pledger, Deborah Pledger, Lois Pledger, Charlotte Pledger & Olive Pledger.

Summons dated 3 Apr 1820 for Benjamin Jackson Benjamin Sikes & Lemuel Basnight to attend next court and answer charges of a debt of 61 dollars to John Alexander guardian to Olive Pledger

Division of 400 acres on the south side of Albemarle Sound surveyed for the heirs of Joseph Pledger deceased layed off agreeable to his will on 25 Mar 1824:
No. 1 Robert Pledger 100 acres joinng Joseph McClees.
No. 2 James Pledger 100 acres.
No. 3 Wm. Pledger 100 acres joining Robert Pledger.
No. 4 Selby Pledger 100 acres joining Wm. Pledger & James Pledger and the division line between the 400 acres and Abram Pledger.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Jonathan Basnight to Martha Pledger on 30 Apr 1795, James Perisho security.

The 1809 will, court minutes and estate papers of John A. Melson show that he was the husband of Polly Melson.

The 1808 court minutes and estate papers of William Melson show him to be the husband of Sally Melson, who subsequently married James Melson in 1813.

Return to Tyrrell Co Wills Introduction & Table of Contents

Updated July 8, 2024
Gordon L. Basnight