Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

April Session 1784

Appeared Thomas Pearce in open court and prayed an administration on the estate of William Pearce deceased granted and give bond 100 pounds - James Long Col. Joshua Leary securitys.

July Session 1784

An inventory of the estate of William Pearce deceased returned into open court on oath by Thomas Pearce and ordered to be filed.

July Session 1788

Thomas Pearce administrator of William Pearce deceased exhibits in court a second inventory of the estate of the said deceased on oath and ordered filed.

Ordered that Thomas Pearce administrator of William Pearce deceased have leave to sell the perishable estate of the said deceased and make return to next court.

October Session 1788

John Leary Junr. exhibited in court an account of sales of the estate of William Pearce deceased to the amount of 10 pounds, 14 shillings & 7 pence ordered filed.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.39), Box 39
Pearce, William, 1784

Faded and unreadable administrator's bond in the amount of 100 pounds for T. Pearce to administer the estate of W. Pearce. Securities, James Long & Joshua Leary are readable.

Certification by Thomas Mackey, Clerk, that Thomas Pierce obtained letters of administration on the estate of William Pierce on the first Monday of April, 1784. Signed on 22 June 1791 ?

Account of sales of the estate of William Parce deceased on 2 Oct 1786. Two mares sold to Thos. Parce and a dozen buttons to Tim Parce. Returned to court October Term 1788 by John Long son of Coll.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 9, 2024
Charles W. Barnes