Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

July Session 1779

Lot Pratt appeared in open court and prayed administration on the estate of Solomon Pratt granted and gave in security John Swain Esqr. and Abraham Jennet in a bond of 2,000 pounds. Ordered that Mr. Secretary have notice that leters issue.

Ordered that Lot Pratt have leave to sell so much of the perishable part of the estate of Soloman Pratt as shall pay his debts and make returns to next court.

Lot Pratt returned into open court on oath the inventory of Soloman Prat ordered to be filed.

October Session 1779

Acct. of sales of the estate of Soloman Prat returned into open court by Lott Pratt on oath ordered to be filed.

July Session 1780

Ordered that Jere. Fraiser and Joshua Leary be appointed to divide the estate of Sol. Pratt and make return to next court.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.41), Box 41
Pratt, Soloman, 1779

Faded administrator's bond of Lot Pratt at July Term 1779 with only signatures visible. Securities were John Swain & Abraham Jennett.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 5, 2024
Charles W. Barnes