State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 2, page 136
Dated 22 October 1821

This I make and constitute my last will and testament. First being in sound mind and knowing it was appointed for all men to die. First I recommend my soul to God that gave it to me & to be buried in a christian like manner by me executors, which I leave my friends Dempsey Liverman and Jos. White my true and lawful executors to this my last will and testament.

Item - I give unto Polly White the tract of land whereon I live until Samuel C. Patrick White comes of lawful age and then equally divided between my son Samuel Patrick White and my son Frederic Patrick White and them and their heirs forever, the plantation whereon Timothy Liverman lives on I give unto my son Jno. A. Patrick White to him and heirs forever.

Item - Give unto Polly White one negro woman named Tamer and Loom and furniture, one small spinning wheel as long as she lives and bead and furniture.

I give unto Jno. A. Patrick White my ware house and lot at Gum Neck Creek to him and his heirs forever.

I give to Polly White one hundred and fifty dollars to be raised out of my estate.

I give unto Wm. White son of Phobe Neal all my possessions in Frying Pan.

Item - I give unto my sons and daughters Jno. A. Patrick White, Saml C. Patrick White, Mariah McColute Phobe Patrick White & Urn Patrick White all the rest of my property both real and personal to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever. In witness my hand and seal this 22 of day October 1821.

Jno. A. Patrick (Seal)

Signd and seald in pres of us

Daniel Clayton
Jeconies Neal

County Court
Jany Term 1837

This last will and testament of Jno. A. Patrick was exhibited in open court and proved by the oath of Daniel Clayton who swore that at the time he was of sound and disposing mind and memory, he further swore that he saw Jaconies Neal sign the same as concuring testimony thereto.

Test Jos. Halsy Clk.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.38), Box 38
Patrick, John A., 1837

Division of the negroes belonging to the estate of John A. Patrick deceased on 30 Dec 1838 by Wm. Alfred, Benjamin Sikes & Thomson Liverman.
Lot number 1 drawn by Frederick Patrick
Tom valued at $500
Shadrack valued at $25
Caroline valued at $250
Total value lot 1 = $775
Lot number 2 drawn by Benjamin Jackson and wife Mariah
Elick valued at $500
Corian valued at $250
Simon valued at $25
Total value lot 2 = $775
Lot number 3 drawn by Samuel C. Patrick's heirs
Radey ? and child Ephraim valued at $450
George valued at $225
Grace valued at $125
Total value lot 3 = $800
Lot number 4 drawn by William Clayton and wife Phebe
Peney and child Margret valued at $450
Sally valued at $100
Abram valued at $175
Total value lot 4 = $725
Lot number 5 drawn by Jno. Patrick's heirs
Lemuel valued at $300
Eliza valued at $400
Total value lot 5 - $700
Total of all shares is $3775, so each heirs share is $755.
Benjamin Jackson and wife pay John Patrick's heirs & Willam Clayton $20, being $10 each which is to be paid by the executor..
Frederick Patrick pays the same as Benjamin Jackson.
The guardian of Samuel C. Patrick must pay $45.
There is a balance due William Clayton and wife of $30 to be paid by the executor.
There is a balance due the heirs of John Patrick of $55

Bond dated 1 Jan 1838 in the amount of $775.00 by Benjamin Jackson acknowledging receipt from Dempsey Liverman, executor of John A. Patrick deceased, as a heir at law of John A. Patrick, his full distributive share of negroes viz. Simon, Ellick & Cory An of the said John A. Patrick. Benjamin Jackson is bound to bear his ratable share of any further debts of the estate.

Bond dated 1 Jan 1838 in the amount of $775.00 by Frederick Patrick acknowledging receipt from Dempsey Liverman, executor of John A. Patrick deceased, as a heir at law of John A. Patrick, his full distributive share of the negroes belonging to the estate of the said John A. Patrick. Frederick Patrick is bound to bear his ratable share of any further debts of the estate.

Bond dated 1 Jan 1838 in the amount of $775.00 by William Clayton acknowledging receipt from Dempsey Liverman, executor of John A. Patrick deceased, as a heir at law of John A. Patrick his full distributive share of the personal estate of the said John A. Patrick. William Clayton is bound to bear his ratable share of any further debts of the estate.

Bond dated 1 Jan 1838 in the amount of $775.00 by Charles McCleese, guardian to John Patrick heirs, acknowledging receipt from Dempsey Liverman, executor of John A. Patrick deceased, heir at law of John A. Patrick his full distributive share of negroes belonging to the estate of the said John A. Patrick. Charles McCleese is bound to bear his ratable share of any further debts of the estate.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of William Clayton to Phebe Patrick on 29 Mar 1828, Eby Phelps security; also Benjamin Jackson to Maria Owens on 20 Jul 1837, Thos. Morris security.

To be an heir of John A. Patrick, Mariah Jackson must have been the daughter, Mariah, cited in his will. In the 1835 estate papers of Edward Owens there is an 1838 bond for Benjamin Jackson as guardian to Eliza Ann, orphan of Edward Owens. This is an indication that Benjamin Jackson was the husband of Edward Owens' widow. The 1832 estate papers of James McCallister show that his widow was Mariah, that she remarried to Edward Owens and that she had three children, Assenith, John & Phoebe. Further proof of this chain of events lies in the 1850 census where Maria Jackson (50) is living in the household of her son, John McCallister (27), with Eliza Ann Owens (15).

See the 1835 estate papers of John Patrick.

See the 1836 estate papers of Samuel C. Patrick.

Return to Tyrrell County Wills Introduction

Updated August 16, 2024
Jean H. Pennell