North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.39), Box 39
Payne, John, 1834

Bond dated 25 Jul 1836 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing John Sandlin administrator of the estate of John Payne dedeased, Lemuel Basnight & Jonathan Twiddy securities.

Petition July Term 1836 of John Sandlin who shows that John Payne dies about the 19th of July 1834 leaving as his heirs at law Matthias & Eleanor both infants of tender age. Petitioner further represents that he administered on said Payne's estate at this term of court as a creditor and that there are not sufficient personal assets to satisfy his claims. Petitioner further represents that said Payne died seized and possessed of a tract of about thirty acres acres adjoining Benja. Litchfield & William Twyford. Petitioner prays that said land may be sold to satisfy his claims.

Court order to the Sheriff on 17 Jan 1837 to sell the lands of Jno. Payne deceased to satisfy the claims Jno. Sanderlin recovered against him plus $6.85 to pay costs of the suit. Advertised and land sold for $5.15 to on 24 Apr 1837.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of John Payne to Polley Moss on 13 Oct 1812, William Owens security.

See the 1821 court records and estate papers of Thomas Payne, father of John Payne.

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Updated July 6, 2024
Charles W. Barnes