North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.39), Box 39
Payne, Edward Junr., 1837

Bond dated 27 Apr 1837 in the amount of two hundred dollars appointing Jno. W. Dutton administrator of the estate of Edward Payne Junr. deceased, Thos. Basnight & Frederick Hayman securities.

Petition April Term 1837 by Esther Paine whose husband, Edward Paine Junr., died about the 18th day of February 1837 leaving some personal property out of which she and her two children are entitled to a year's allowance which she prays the court to direct.

Laying off of the year's allowance of Esther Paine on 6 May 1837 by Amos Thoroughgood, J. P., and Henry Holmes & Wallis Twiford.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Edward Payne to Esther Basnight on 22 Jul 1833, Amos Thoroughgood security.

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Updated July 6, 2024
Charles W. Barnes