Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

July Session 1792

Ordered that Capt. Samuel Mann have leave to administer on the estate of Hendrick Rhodamon deceased and give bond 50 pounds John Poole Esqr. & Abner Alexander securities.

Samuel Mann administrator of Hendrick Rhodamon deceased exhibits into court an inventory on oath of the said deceased estate & filed.

Ordered that Samuel Mann administrator of Hendrick Rhodamon deceased have leave to sell the estate of the said deceased and make return to the next court.

January Session 1793

Capt. Samuel Mann administrator of Hendrick Rhodamon deceased exhibits into court on oath an account of sales of the estate of the said deceased to amount of 7 pounds, 4 shillings & 2 pence ordered filed.

Samuel Mann administrator of Hendrick Rhodamon deceased exhibits into court his account against the deceased estate & there appears to be a balance due the said estate of 6 pounds, 10 shillings & 8 pence allowed & filed.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.41), Box 41
Rhodaman, Hendrick, 1792

Bond dated 27 Jul 1792 in the amount of fifty pounds appointing Samuel Mann administrator of the estate of Hendrick Rhodaman deceased, John Poole & Abner Alexander securities.

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Updated July 5, 2024
Charles W. Barnes