North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.42), Box 42
Rogers, Bailey, 1836

Bond dated 26 Dec 1836 in the amount of two thousand dollars appointing Jeremiah Weskett special administrator of the estate of Bailey Rogers deceased, Lemuel Basnight & Richard Hassell securities.

Promissory note dated 7 Jan 1837 in which R. A. Meekins, Mares Weskett & John McClees promise to pay $20.16 3/4 on order after six months to Jeremiah Weskett, special administrator to the estate of B. Rogers deceased.

Bond dated 23 Jan 1837 in the amount of six thousand dollars appointing Jeremiah Weskett administrator of the estate of Bailey Rogers deceased, Lemuel Basnight & Soloman Hassell securities.

Bond dated 24 Jul 1837 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Richard Davenport guardian to Mariah Evans a minor orphan, Samuel Rogers & Richard D. Hassell securities.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in January 1838 for Lemuel Basnight to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next to answer the petition of Daniel N. Bateman.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in January 1838 for Jeremiah Weskett, administrator of Bailey Rogers, to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next to answer the petition of Daniel N. Bateman.

Petition April Term 1838 by Daniel N. Bateman, Richard Davenport & Mariah Evans by her guardian and next friend, Richard Davenport, who show that Bailey Rogers died leaving James H. Spruill and wife Ann, Mariah Evans & Lemuel Basnight his distributees; that said Maria is an infant of tender years whose guardian is Richard Davenport and they are each entitled to one third of said intestate's estate on which Jeremiah Weskett administers. Petitioners further set forth that James H. Spruill has assigned his interest in said estate to Daniel N. Bateman & Richard Davenport and that said estate therefore of right belongs as follows, viz. one third to said Lemuel Basnight, one third to Mariah Evans, and one half of one third respectively to Daniel N. Bateman & Richard Davenport. Petitioners pray that said Weskett pay over the amount due them.

Refunding bond dated 2 May 1838 in the amount of $3,129.70 binding Richard Davenport & Samuel Rogers. Jeremiah Weskett has this day paid over to Richard Davenport under a power of attorney from James H. Spruill, one of the heirs at law of Bailey Rogers, the sum of $782.42 2/3 and the said Weskett has also paid over to the said Richard Davenport, as a guardian to Mariah Evans, one of the heirs at law of Bailey Rogers, the sum of $782.42 2/3. If any further claims arise against the estate of Bailey Rogers arise, Richard Davenport is obligated to pay his ratable share of the claim. otherwise the bond is in force.

Writ dated 14 Dec 1840 for the Sheriff to arrest the bodies of Richard A. Meekins, Morris Weskett & John McClees and have them before a Justice of the Peace at S. Patrick's store in January 1841 to answer the complaint of Jeremiah Weskett, administrator of the estate of Bailey Rogers, in a plea of debt due by note of $20.16 3/4 with interest from 7 Jul 1837.

Bond dated 24 Apr 1843 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Samuel Rogers guardian to Mariah Evans, orphan of Jos. Evans deceased, Richard Davenport & T. B. Myers securities.

Promissory note dated 1 Jul 1844 in which S. S. Simmons, Luther Babbit & E. Simmons promise to pay $172.16 to Samuel Rogers, guardian to Maria Evans on his order for value received.

Writ dated the fourth Monday in October 1844 ordering the Sheriff to have the bodies of Samuel S. Simmons, Luther Babbit & Edward Simmons at court on the fourth Monday of January next to answer unto Samuel Rogers guardian in a plea they render unto him the sum of $172.16 which they owe and detain with $50 damages.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of James Spruill to Anne Evans 2 Sep 1833, James Spruill security.

Bailey Rogers had no known children. In that case his estate would go to his siblings and parents, if living. There is a marriage bond showing that Joseph evans married Tishey Rogers in 1811. Anne and Mariah could be their daughter.

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Updated July 25, 2024
Charles W. Barnes