North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.42), Box 42
Rogers, Fanny, 1837

Bond dated 23 Jan 1837 in the amount of two thousand dollars appointing Jeremiah Weskett administrator of the estate of Fanny Rogers deceased, Lemuel Basnight & Soloman Hassell securities.

Refunding bond dated 2 May 1838 in the sum of $1,564.85 1/3 which Lemuel Basnight is bound to pay if he does not pay his ratable part of any future debts or demands upon the estate of Bailey Rogers. Lemuel Basnight acknowledges receipt of $782.42 2/3 from Jeremiah Weskett, administrator of the estate of Fanny Rogers deceased, it being the share Fanny Rogers is entitled to out of the estate of Bailey Rogers deceased and Lemuel Basnight receives it as the administrator of Ann Midyett who was the daughter of said Fanny.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Bailey Rogers to Fany Midgett on 21 Jul 1836, Abraham Pledger security.

See the 1834 court and estate papers of Joseph Midyett. Fanny was his wife and Ann was his only child. Obviously Fanny's marriage to Bailey Rogers was a second marriage.

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Joseph Midyett to Fanny Basnight on 26 Jul 1825, John Thoroughgood security.

Jeremiah Weskett, the administrator, was married to Miranda Basnight, daughter of Lemuel Basnight. With Lemuel being the administrator of Fanny's daughter and Fanny being a Basnight, it is likely that Fanny was Lemuel's daughter and Jeremiah a brother in law. Lemuel's will in 1839 does not mention her because she and her daughter, Ann, were both deceased before he wrote his will.

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Updated July 11, 2024
Charles W. Barnes