Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

February Session 1777 {There is a 1/2 year gap in minutes prior to this session}

Ordered that Bill Butcher bring Robert Russell orphan of Robert Russell deceased to our next court and thereto stand and abide by their orders.

May Session 1777

Ordered that Bill Butcher appear here at the next court and bring with him Robert Russell orphan of Robert Russell deceased and likewise issue an inventory of the estate of said deceased.

August Session 1777

An inventory of the estate of Robert Russell deceased was delivered into open court by the oath of Bill Butcher.

Bill Butcher prayed administration on the estate of Robert Russell granted enters Joshua Slade Henry Downing security in the sum of two hundred pounds.

Ordered that Bill Butcher sell so much of the perishable part of the estate of Robert Russell deceased as shall pay all the debts as the law presents and make return to the next court.

August Session 1778

Personally appeared Joshua Slade and exhibited an acct. of sales of the estate of Robert Russell deceased.

Ordered that the securitys of Joshua Slade & Henry Downing take into possession the estate of Robert Russell deceased out of the hands of Mary Long - Mary Long administratrix of Bill Butcher deceased.

November Session 1778

On motion of Mr. Henry Downing ordered that the said Downing be appointed guardain to Robert Russell and that the said Robert Russell orphan of Robert Russell deceased be bound to the said Henry Downing until he comes to the age of twenty one years to learn the trade & mystery of a house carpenter & joyner.

Mr. Henry Downing appeared in open court and gave bond for his guardain ship of Robert Russell orphan of Robert Russell deceased securitys Nehemiah Norman & James Phelps Esqr. in the sum of 500 pounds.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.43), Box 43
Russell, Robert, 1777

Bond that is partially missing giving Bell Butcher administration upon the estate of a person at August Court 1777 with Joshua Slade & Henry Downing securities.

Bond dated 17 Nov 1778 in the amount of five hundred pounds appointing Henry Downing guardian to Robert Russell, a minor orphan of Robert Russell deceased, James Phelps & Nehemiah Norman securities.

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Updated July 15, 2024
Charles W. Barnes