North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.45), Box 45
Sikes, Thomas, 1840

Bond dated 28 Apr 1840 in the amount of four vthousand dollars appointing Richard D. Hassell guardian to Eliza & Benj. Sikes orphans of Thos. Sikes deceased, Jeremiah Weskett & Fred Patrick securities.

Division of the negroes belonging to the estate of Thos. Sikes by order of the Court of Equity at March Term 1840 and signed 20 Sep 1840 by commissioners Jos. Halsey, Nathan Alexander & H. E. Lewis.
Lot 1 is man Mose valued at $600 and boy Elick valued at $180 for a total value of $780.
Lot 2 is man Fred valued at $600 and girl Margarett valued at $225 for a total balue of $825.
Lot 3 is man Henry valued at $500 and woman Annis valued at $400 for a total value of $900.
Lot 4 is boy Gilbert valued at $350 and woman Charity valued at $400 for a total value of $750.
Lot 5 is boy Charles valued at $325 and girl Ellin valued at $400 for a total value of $725.
Total value of all negroes is $3,980 leaving each share at $796.
Lot 1 goes to Eliza Sikes and receives $16 from Lot 3
Lot 2 goes to Solomon Mann
Lot 3 goes to Benj. Sikes
Lot 4 goes to George Horswell and receives $17 from Lot 3 and $29 from lot 2
Lot 5 goes to Jno. Alcock and receives $71 from Lot 3

Account of the hire of the negroes belonging to the estate of Thomas Sykes deceased from the time of George Horswell's marriage with the widow of said Thomas, up to the time of the division of said negroes among the heirs of said Thomas taken pursuant to an order of the Court of Equity made at Spring Term 1841 - in the case Solomon Mann & others against George Horswell - at the Court House in Columbia on the 6th day of September 1841 - by S. Leigh & C. McClees. Mr. Horswell was married the 23d June 1839. Negroes divided 20 Sep 1840. 15 months.
Charles McClees & Frederick Patrick assessed the value of the hires during that period as:
Moses - $145
Fred - $143
Henry - $75
Gilbert - $10
Charles - $10
Charlotte - $25
Annis - $25
Ellen - $25
Margaret - $25
Total = $448
Elic -
A note at the bottom says it appears said Horswell retained said negroes after the division for three months and ten days.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Thomas Sikes to Mary Bateman on 3 Mar 1814, Daniel Bateman security; also Solomon Mann to Caroline Sikes on 6 Jan 1838, Thomson Liverman security.

George Horswell is only in the 1840 census of Tyrrell County. He wrote his will in 1857 in Martin County leaving his entire estate to his wife Mary.

There is a marriage bond for John Allcock to Sarah Cahoon in 1844. The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of John Allcock (38) with Sarah Allcock (35), Phebe Allcock (15), Franklin Allcock (6), Jain Allcock (4), Mary Allcock (twin) (1) & James M. Allcock (twin) (1). As a devisee of Thomas Sikes, John must have had a previous marriage to one of his daughters but there is no marriage bond and Phebe Alcock is probably a daughter from this previous marriage.

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Updated July 20, 2024
Charles W. Barnes