North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.43), Box 43
Sample, Edward, 1837

Petition April Term 1837 by Sally Sample whose late husband, Edward Sample died in 1837 leaving petitioner, his widow, & Solomon, Jeremiah, Mahala Ann, George W. & Betsy infants and heirs at law him surviving. Her husband died seized and possessed of 80 acres of land near Second Creek adjoining Bailey Hassell, Simion Walker and others in which she is entitled to dower and prays an order.

Court order dated the fourth of Monday of April 1837 and issued 29 May 1837 for laying off the dower of Sally Sample in the lands of her deceased husband, Edward Sample.

Laying off of the dower of Sally Sample in the lands of her deceased husband, Edward Sample on 5 Jul 1837 by John McClees, Sheriff, and John T. Wynn, Joseph Wynn, Henderson S. Sutton, Tully Wynn, Canaday Holoday, Willis Sawyer, Uriah Swain, Benjamin Palamore, John Brickhouse, George Litchfield, Joseph Hassell & Hezekiah Hassell. She received 26 acres joining Canady Holaday including the manor plantation, dwelling & outhouses.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Edward Sample to Sally Hassell on 24 Feb 1819, Alexander Dillin security; also Solomon Sample to Mary Cahoon on 1 Oct 1843, T. H. Alexander security; also Solomon H. Sample to Levina Cahoon on 24 Dec 1846; also Jeremiah W. Sample to Mary C. Roughton on 14 Feb 1856, John A. McCalister security; also Geo. A. Sample to Angelico Tarkington on 19 Jan 1859. J. W. Sample security; also Mahala Ann Sample to James Davenport on 6 Jan 1852, Henderson S. Sutton security.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows Sarah Sample (49) as head of household with Jeremiah Sample (22), Mahala A. Sample (18), George W. Sample (16), Elizabeth Sample (14) and Ann E. Sample (2). Solomon H. Sample (27) is a merchant living in a tavern.

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Updated July 18, 2024
Charles W. Barnes