North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.46), Box 46
Smith, Isaiah, 1840

Promissory note dated 5 Jan 1838 wherein Isaiah Smith & Joab Sawyer promise to pay the sum of $27.58 for value received to Thomson Liverman, administrator on the estate of Mariah Davenport deceased on order after six months. Witnessed by Jesse Sikes.

Mariah Davenport's administrator to the use of Joab Sawyer vs Isaiah Smith's administrator. Judgement dated 29 Feb 1840 for the sum of $27.58 with interest from 27 Jul 1838 and cost the administrator pleads fully administered and no assets in hand. Execution dated 3 Apr 1840 to levy on the goods & chattels and for want thereof the lands & tenements of Isaiah Smith deceased and expose to sale so much thereof as will satisfy the annexed judgement, interest and cost. Note dated 6 Apr 1840 by Frederick Patrick Deputy Sheriff that the administrator has had legal notice that for the want of goods & chattels the land of Isaiah Smith adjoining the lands of Nathan Richardson, John White and the heirs of Robin Sawyer deceased will be levied.

Account of Isaiah Smith deceased, Charles McClees administrator, with George Horswell from 5 Feb 1838 to 29 Jan 1839. Proved by George Horswell on 4 Jul 1840.

Warrant dated 4 Jul 1840 to summon Charles McClees, administrator of Isaiah Smith deceased, to appear before a Justice of the Peace on the 4th day of July to answer the complaint of George Horswell of debt due by account in the sum of $60. Reverse shows judgement for plaintiff on 4 Jul 1840 in the sum of $19.10 and cost by Samuel Rogers J. P. The administrator of Isaiah Smith pleads fully administered no assets debts of higher dignity ?. defendant suggests a deficiency of assets I return this judgement to the county court agreeable to act of assembly. Samuel Rogers J. P.

Transcriber's Notes:

There are two Tyrrell County marriage bonds for Isaiah Smith, one to Patsey Sawyer on 8 Jan 1816, Solomon Hassell security and one to Mary Cahoon on 13 Feb 1830, William Bodwell security.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes