North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.43), Box 43
Sanderson, Richard, 1785

Receipt dated 2 Nov 1785 of Abraham Howett acknowledging payment of L57:6:4 by William Howett, Deputy Sheriff of Tyrrell County, paying in full the judgement, attorney's fees, and witnesses attending in the suit Abraham Howett, administrator of Richard Sanderson deceased, against Thomas Hoskins, executor of Joseph Whedbee deceased.

There are also several executions relating to this suit which reveal no further information other than the judgement was satisfied by levy against Whedbee's manor plantation.

Transcriber's Note:

Note saying file is empty. Above is from the 1783 estate file of Joseph Whedbee.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 18, 2024
Charles W. Barnes