North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.43), Box 43
Sanderson, Richardson, 1804

Promissory note dated 27 Feb 1802 wherein Z. Tarkinton, Joseph Tarkinton & David Goodman the sum of 87 pounds, twelve shillings 5 1/4 for value received unto Richardson Sanderson, executor of the estate of Thomas Stevinson deceased, six months after date. Witnessed by James Hoskins.

Writ dated 25 Apr 1804 and issued the 29th day 1804 to take the bodies of Zebulon Tarkenton & David Goodman and summons Zebulon Tarkenton, administrator of the estate of Joseph Tarkenton of Joseph and have them at the next court on the fourth Monday in July next to answer unto John Harvey, executor to the last will and testament of Richardson Sanderson deceased, in a plea that they render unto him 87 pounds 12/5 1/4 which they owe and unjustly detain to his damage 40 pounds.

Execution dated 30 Jul 1806 and issued 2 Aug 1806 against the goods & chattels, lands & tenements of Zebulon Tarkenton, David Goodman & Joseph Tarkenton deceased for the sum of seventy nine pounds 4/8d whereof the said Zebulon & others are convicted and have the monies at the court house on the fourth Monday in October next to render unto Richard Sanderson's executors. Previously a negro woman Luvina and her children, three horses some household goods of Zebulon Tarkinton's the land where Joseph Tarkinton lived nothing of David Goodman's to be found were levied but there was no sale for want of bidders.

There are several other executions in the file which reveal no additional information.

Transcriber's Notes:

Richardson Sanderson's will was probated in Perquimans County in 1804.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes