North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.47), Box 47
Spellman, Persis, 1835

Bond dated 12 Feb 1835 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Thos. B. Myers special administrator of the estate of Persis Spellman deceased, Samuel Rogers security.

Account of the sale of the estate of Persis Spellman deceased sold by Thos. B. Myers special administrator on 24 Feb 1835. Buyers and number of purchases are as follows: Henry Alexander (4), James W. Alexander (4), F. B. Armstrong (7), Hugh Armstrong (2), Silvenus Armstrong (4), Wm. G. Armstrong (1), Daniel N. Bateman (7), James W. Bell (1), David Clayton (6), Wm. Craddock (1), Wm. A. Dickinson (7), D. S. Godfrey (5), William Goodman (1), Joseph Halsey (1), John Hassell (2), Richard Hassell (2), James Hatfield (1), Burton Hathaway (2), John H. Haughton (4), Henry E. Lewis (1), Thomas B. Myers (4), John Norman (1), Ephraim H. Powers (1), Samuel Rogers (1), Harrison Spruill (4), Silas Spruill (1), Archibald Stubbs (2), Jos. W. Tarkenton (5), Wm. Tarkenton (2), Frederic Wynne (2) & John T. Wynne (1). Includes hire of a negro girl by Burton Hathaway and sale of a negro boy to D. S. Godfrey on 26 May 1835.

Promissory note dated 24 Feb 1835 in which F. B. Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong & E. H. Powers promise to pay Thos. B. Myers, special administrator of the estate of Persis Spellman deceased, the sum of $8.98 for value received after six months from date.

Bond dated 27 Apr 1835 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Thos. B. Myers, administrator of the estate of Persis Spellman deceased, Daniel N. Bateman & Matthias Owens securities.

Petition April Term 1835 by Thos. B. Myers who, having this day administered upon the estate of Mrs. Persis Spellman deceased, is desirous of paying off all the lawful claims and debts against the estate. The total amount of the account of sales is about $190 and the claims against the estate total $300 or $400. All the personal estate has been exhausted by the recent sales since her death except one nego boy, Mack, which he now prays an order to sell.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in April 1835 and issued 30 Apr 1835 for Hardy N. Spruill, administrator of Z. Tarkenton, to be in court on the fourth Monday in July next to answer unto Thos. B. Myers, administrator of Persis Spellman, of a plea of trespass on the case to his damage $500.

Writ dated 8 May 1837 to arrest Franklin B. Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong & Ephraim H. Powers and cause them to appear before a Justice of the Peace to answer the complaint of Thos. B. Myers, administrator of Persis Spellman deceased, to the use of James Fagan in a plea of debt by note in the sum of $8.98 plus interest. Reverse says judgement on 20 May 1837 for the sum of $8.98, interest from 24 Jul 1835 and cost by D. S. Godfrey J. P. Stay craved and granted and gives for security James Armstrong.

Transcriber's Notes:

The 1830 census of Tyrrell County shows Percis Spellman with no males in the household, one female 10-15 and one female 40-50. So Persis Spellman is apparently female.

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Updated July 24, 2024
Charles W. Barnes