North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.47), Box 47
Spencer, Benjamin, Junr. 1837

Petition of Merab Spencer, widow of Benjamin Spencer Junior deceased, at October Term 1837 stating that Benjamin Spencer Junior departed this life in 1837 seized and possessed in fee simple of a tract of 50 acres adjoining the lands of Patrick Liverman & John Wynn and bounded by Ryders Creek. She prays an order to set off her dower in said farm. Note on reverse says tax no ? for the petitioner is very poor.

Laying off of the dower of Merab Spencer in the lands of her deceased husband, Benjamin Spencer, on 12 Jan 1838 by John McClees, Sheriff, and Canoday Holoday, William Tarkinton, Spence Walker, John S. Walker, Gabriel Cradock, Jesse H. Walker, Thomas Hassell, Joseph Hassell, Uriah Swain, Solomon Hassell, John T. Wynn & Henry Norman. The land was 50 acres on Riders Creek joining Patrick Liverman and Merab Spencer received one third of that including the manor house and outhouses.

Laying off of a year's provision to Catharine Spencer, widow of Benjamin Spencer deceased, on 21 Jul 1838 by Chas. McClees & Wm. Alfred.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Benjamin Spencer to Merab Hopkins on 27 (?) Jun 1838, Jeremiah Swain security. The date on this appears to be in error since Benjamin Spencer Junr. died in 1837. There is also a marriage bond for Merab Hopkins to Caleb Walker in 1832.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Nancy Hopkins (64) with Merab Spencer (40) and Benjamin Hopkins (13). The census taker made an error and Benjamin Hopkins should be Benjamin S. Spencer, son of the above Benjamin Spencer Junr., born 12 Mar 1836 in Tyrrell County.

The 1830 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Benjamin Spencer with one male age 10-15, 2 males 20-30, one male 50-60, three females 15-20 and one female 40-50.

Because of different spouse's names in the above records, this record appears to be dealing with two men named Benjamin Spencer. One is Benjamin Spencer Junr. and the other is the Benjamin Spencer married to Catharine, probably the Benjamin Spencer in the 1830 census.

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Updated July 20, 2024
Charles W. Barnes