Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1823

Nancy Spruill widow of Joshua Spruill was appointed guardian to Franklin & James Spruill orphans of Selby Spruill who entered into bond with approved security. Ordered that she receive the estate of the said orphans into her possession and account for the same as the law directs.

Nancy Spruill widow of Joshua Spruill appeared in open court & relinquished her right of administration on the estate of the said Joshua Spruill deceased - ordered that the administration of the said Joshua Spruill deceased be committed to Wilson B. Hodges who entered into bond with approved security & quallified agreeable to law ordered that letters of administration issue thereon and that he proceed to sell the perishable estate of the said deceased and account for the same as the law directs.

January Session 1824

Report of the years provision of Nancy Spruill widdow of Joshua Spruill was returned to court & filed.

Wilson B. Hodges administrator of Joshua Spruill deceased returned in open court an account sales of the perishable estate of said deceased & filed.

January Session 1828

Ordered that Jno. B. Beasley Jos. Hallsey & Danl. N. Bateman be appointed or any two of them to audite & settle the estate of Joshua Spruill deceased with the administrator Wilson B. Hodges.

Nancy Spruill guardian to the heirs of Selby Spruill & Joshua Spruill returned guardian accounts for the years 1824, 1825, 1826 and 1827 and filed.

April Session 1828

Ordered that Jos. Hallsy, Zeb. Tarkenton, Jno. B. Beasley & Daniel N. Bateman be appointed auditors to settle the estate of Joshua Spruill with the administrator W. B. Hodges.

July Session 1828

Ordered that Jos. Hallsy, Danl. N. Bateman, Zeb. Tarkenton, & Eben. Pettigrew or either three be appointed auditors to settle the estate of Joshua Spruill deceased with the administrator Wilson B. Hodges.

April Session 1829

Nancy Spruill guardian of the heirs of Joshua Spruill returned an account of the hire of negroes for the year 1828 & 1829.

Ordered that Jos. Halsey, D. N. Bateman & Jno. B. Beasley audite and settle the estate of Joshua Spruill with the administrator W. B. Hodges.

July Session 1829

Ordered that Daniel N. Bateman, Jno. B. Beasly & Jos. Halsey be appointed auditors to settle the estate of Joshua Spruill Jr. deceased with Wilson B. Hodges the administrator.

October Session 1829

Ordered that Jos. Halsey, Jno. B. Beasley & D. N. Bateman be appointed auditors to settle the estate of Joshua Spruill deceased with the administrator Wilson B. Hodges.

January Session 1830

Ordered that Nancy Spruill renew her guardian bond to Franklin & Jas. Spruill orphans of Selby Spruill and Mary Eliza & Wm. N. Spruill orphans of Joshua Spruill.

January Session 1831

Nancy Spruill guardian to Nancy, Franklin & Jas. S. Spruill returned ito court the hire of the negroes for 1830 & 1831.

January Session 1832

Nancy Spruill guardian to Joshua & Selby Spruill's heirs returns an account of hires in 1832.

January Session 1833

Nancy Spruill guardian to Selby Spruill's heirs returned a hire for 1833.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.49), Box 49
Spruill, Joshua, 1823

Note dated 25 Jun 1823 signed by Joshua Spruill & W. Spruill dismissing the suit Joshua Spruill vs. William Spruill at the plaintiffs cost except for defendant's attorney fees.

Petition of Nancy Spruill widow of Joshua Spruill at September Term 1823 for her year's allowance.

Bond dated 29 Sep 1823 in the amount of two thousand seven hundred dollars appointing Wilson B. Hodges administrator of the estate of Joshua Spruill deceased, Henry Alexander & Joshua Spruill securities.

Summons dated 1 Nov 1824 for Amri Spruill to appear at the next term of court to answer the petition of Nancy Spruill widow of Nathan in a plea of debt.

Bond dated 23 Oct 1826 in the amount of five hundred pounds appointing Nancy Spruill guardian of Franklin & James Spruill minor orphans, Wilson B. Hodges security.

Bond dated 29 Sep 1827 in the amount of one thousand pounds appointing Nancy Spruill guardian of Franklin & James Spruill minor orphans of Joshua Spruill, Wilson B. Hodges & Joshua Spruill securities.

Bond dated 25 Jan 1830 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Nancy Spruill guardian of Franklin & James Spruill minor orphans, James A. Spruill & Zebulon Tarkenton securities.

Summons dated the fourth Monday of January 1830 and issued 18 Feb 1830 for Joshua Spruill to appear at court on the fourth Monday of April next to answer the plea of Zebulon Tarkenton Chairman to the use of Nancy Spruill that he render unto her two thousand seven hundred dollars which he owes and unjustly detains to her damage one thousand dollars.

Summons dated the fourth Monday of January 1830 and issued 18 Feb 1830 for Wilson B. Hodges to appear at court on the fourth Monday of April next to answer the plea of Zebulon Tarkenton Chairman to the use of Nancy Spruill that he render unto her two thousand seven hundred dollars which he owes and unjustly detains to her damage one thousand dollars.

Summons dated the fourth Monday of October 1830 for Joshua Spruill. Henry Alexander, Wilson B. Hodges and Franklin & James S. Spruill by their guardian Nancy Spruill to appear at court on the fourth Monday in January next to answer unto Zebulon Tarkington Chairman to his use of Nancy Spruill to a plea that they render unto him the sum of two thousand seven hundred dollars and damages of one thousand dollars. {Henry Alexander accepted service for Nancy Alexander}

Summons the fourth Monday in October 1830 for Wilson Lamb, James A. Spruill, Benjamin Obrion & Harmon Bateman & Zeb Tarkenton to appear at the office of Jos. Halsey Clerk on the first Monday in January next to testify on behalf of Nancy Spruill in a suit wherein Nancy Spruill is plaintiff and Wilson B. Hodges is defendant.

Transcript of testimony taken 3 Jan 1831 in the suit pending between Nancy Spruill plaintiff and Wilson B. Hodges, Henry Alexander & Joshua Spruill before the clerk. Testimony given by James A. Spruill, Wilson Lamb, Harmon Bateman & Benjamin Obrion.

Account of Wilson B. Hodges, administrator of Joshua Spruill at January Term 1831.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.49), Box 49
Spruill, Joshua, 1830

Bond dated 28 Jan 1830 in the amount of one thousand pounds appointing Nancy Spruill guardian of Mary Eliza, Wm. N. Spruill minor orphans, James A. Spruill & Zebulon Tarkenton securities.

Division of the negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua Spruill deceased at the house of James S. Spruill on 23 Aug 1845. Negro woman Mahala valued at $150; negroe boy Joseph value at $350; negro boy Henry valued at $200; total valuation $700 and each share is $233.33 1/2. Nancy Spruill the widow drew Mahala; William N. Spruill drew Joseph; and Mary E. Spruill drew Henry. William N. Spruill pays $83.33 to Nancy Spruill and $33.33 to Mary E. Spruill.

Transcriber's notes:

See the estate of Selby Spruill in 1817. Nancy Spruill was first married to Selby Spruill and then to Joshua Spruill in 1819. Franklin & James S. Spruill were her children by Selby Spruill and William N. Spruill and Mary E. Spruill were her children by Joshua Spruill..

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Updated July 25, 2024
Charles W. Barnes