North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.48), Box 48
Spruill, Flavius J., 1835

Bond dated 26 Jan 1835 in the amount of three thousand dollars appointing H. G. Spruill administrator of the estate of Flavius J. Spruill deceased, William Mann & Benjn. Sikes securities.

Petition January Term 1835 by Hezekiah G. Spruill, administrator of Flavius J. Spruill deceased, staing that his intestate died possessed of the following negroes, viz. Jordan, Frank, Tamer, John & Polly are divisable among the following persons, his legal distributee, viz. his mother Fanny A. Spruill, your petitioner Hezekiah G. Spruill, Joseph Alexander and wife Caroline & Carey Ann Spruill. A sale of the negroes is the only way to effect a just and equal distribution and petitioner prays such an order.

Transcriber's Notes:

See the 1832 will of Samuel Spruill. The distributees of Flavius are his mother and his siblings.

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Jos. Alexander to Caroline B. Spruill on 4 Apr 1832, Henry E. Lewis security.

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Updated July 21, 2024
Charles W. Barnes