Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1842

Ordered that F. L. (?) Cahoon be appointed guardian to Olly, Ellen & Mariah Spruill heirs of Silas Spruill deceased and that he enter into bond of two thousand dollars with {nothing further}.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.50), Box 50
Spruill, Silas, 1838

Promissory note dated 23 Aug 1837 wherein James Barnes promises to pay $25 to Silas Spruill for value received seven months after. Witness Abel West.

Petition of Mary Spruill widow of Silas Spruill deceased at April Term 1838 stating that Silas Spruill died in 1838 leaving her and three children. William G. Armstrong was appointed administrator of the estate at this term. There is considerable personal estate and she is advised that she is entitled to a years support for herself and family. She asks for the necessary order for her years allowance.

Petition of Mary Spruill widow of Silas Spruill deceased at April Term 1838 stating that Silas Spruill died in 1838 leaving as heirs at law Olly Spruill, Ange Eleanor Spruill & Mariah Spruill, infants of tender age, and to whom a tract of land containing 100 acres descended adjoining the lands of Harmon Alexander & James Cooper out of which she is entitled to dower. She prays a writ of dower be issued.

Writ dated 14 May 1838 to arrest the body of James Barns and cause him to appear before a Justice of the Peace at Cross Landing on the 19th instant to answer the complaint of William G. Armstrong, administrator of Silas Spruill deceased, in a plea of debt by note in the sum of $25 with interest from 23 Mar 1838. Continued by D. S. Godfrey J. P. on 19 May 1838 to be tried at Columbia in 30 days. Judgement entered on 26 May 1838 by Samuel Rogers J. P. for $25 with interest from 23 March 1838 and cost. Execution dated 28 May 1838 by Jos. Spruill J. P. against the good and chattels and for want thereof levy on the lands & tenements of the defendant sufficient to satisfy the annexed judgement. May 28th 1838 levied on James Barns right to one bed in savior to all his chattel property, also levied his right of lands adjoining the lands of Silas Spruill and others subject to older levies.

Laying off of the dower of Mary Spruill, widow of Silas Spruill in the lands of her deceased husband on 8 Jun 1838 by John McClees, Sheriff, and Joshua Hassell, Joseph W. Tarkenton, Joseph Bateman, Miles Liverman, Franklin B. Armstrong, Thomas Myers, Daniel Bateman, Richard D. Hassell, James Hatfield, ?? ??, Harmon Alexander & Benjm. Nicholas. She received 31 acres including the dwelling house and the outhouses.

Laying off of the year's allowance of Mary Spruill, widow of Silas Spruill deceased, on 16 Jun 1838 by Samuel Rogers, Thos. B. Myers & Richard D. Hassell. The widow had $33.40 of provisions on hand and was due $115.40.

Warrant dated 3 Jul 1838 to arrest the body of Abel West and cause him to be before a Justice of the Peace at Cross Landing on the 21st instant to answer the complaint of William G. Armstrong, administrator of S. Spruill, in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of $5.76 with interest from 5 May 1838. Judgement for the plaintiff on 21 July 1838 by Samuel Rogers for $7.20 including interest and costs. Also reverse of warrant shows an order dated 1 Mar 1839 to arrest the body of the defendant and him safely keep to that he renders unto the plaintiff the amount of the annexed judgement.

Writ dated the fourth Monday of January 1839 to take the bodies of Wm. F. Mason & Reuben Barnes and have them before the court on the fourth Monday in April next, then and there to satisfy the sum of $4.67 which Wm. G. Armstrong, administrator of S. Spruill, lately recovered against said Mason & Barnes plus $2.12 in interest from 11 Mar 1838 and $2.55 in costs and charges. Reverse says indulged.

Writ dated the fourth Monday of October 1841 to take the bodies of Reuben Barnes & James Barnes and have them before the court on the fourth Monday in January next, then and there to satisfy the sum of $18.22 which Wm. G. Armstrong, administrator of S. Spruill, lately recovered against James Barnes plus $11.47 in interest from 16 Jun 1838 and $6.75 in costs and charges. Reverse says not found.

Writ dated the fourth Monday in January 1842 to take the bodies of Abel West & Wm. West and have them at count on the fourth Monday in April next to satisfy and pay the sum of $5.76 with interest from 5 May 1838 which lately Silas Spruill's administrator recovered against them and also $6.50 in costs and charges.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Silas Spruill to Polly Armstrong on 9 Oct 1822, Henry Gibson security.

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Updated April 22, 2021
Charles W. Barnes