North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.49), Box 49
Spruill, Hardy N., 1836

Account of Hardy N. Spruill proved by Charles Hardy on 9 Sep 1835. Balance due was $13.61 after a credit of $71.73 for staves rendered in 1834.

Summons dated 28 Jan 1836 for Alexander H. Davenport, administrator of Hardy N. Spruill deceased, to appear before a Justice of the Peace at Cross Landing to answer the complaint of Hardy Brothers in a plea of debt due by account in the sum of $60. After several continuances judgement was made on 16 Apr 1836 by Henry Alexander J. P. for $13.61 plus cost. Appeal was craved and granted with Thos. B. Myers security.

Execution dated the fourth Monday in July 1839 and issued 14 Aug 1839 for the Sheriff of Washington County to expose to sale to the highest biddr for ready money the lands of Hardy N. Spruill deceased at the instance of F. F. Fagan & Co. for $40.91 which F. F. Fagan & Co. recovered against him for debt and interest from 14 Mar 1835 plus $10.75 for costs of suit. Reverse says satisfied by sale of the lands of the heirs of Hardy N. Spruill.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in April 1838 for the heirs of Hardy N. Spruill to show cause why his lands should not be levied against to satisfy several judgements. Executed on the heirs on 14 Jul 1838 viz. William Spruill, Alphord Spruill & Marry a. Mandy Spruill.

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Updated July 21, 2024
Charles W. Barnes