North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.49), Box 49
Spruill, Joshua, 1838

Bond dated 23 Apr 1838 in the amount of two hundred dollars appointing Samuel Rogers administrator of the estate of Joshua Spruill deceased, H. G. Spruill & Silas Davenport securities.

Account of sale of the property of Joshua Spruill deceaded on 15 May 1838 by Samuel Rogers administrator. Purchasers and number of purchases as follows: Daniel N. Bateman (1), Ebenezer Cahoon (8), Richard Davenport (1), Henry Harris (15), Soloman Hassell (1), Jonathan J. Lindsey (7), Samuel Rogers (6), Charlotte Spruill (3), John Spruill (6), William Swain (3), Frederick W. Wynne (4), George Wynne (1)

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated July 20, 2024
Charles W. Barnes