North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.49), Box 49
Spruill, Jesse, 1840

Bond dated 27 Jan 1840 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Samuel Rogers administrator of the estate of Jesse Spruill deceased, Silas Davenport & Richard D. Hassell securities.

Petition January Term 1840 by Priscilla Spruill who says that her husband died and administration on his estate was granted to Samuel Rogers at this term. There was at his death a considerable amount of personalty out of which she is entitled to a year's allowance and prays an order therefore.

Laying off of the year's provision for Priscilla Spruill, widow of Jesse Spruill deceased, on 10 Jul 1840 at the house of Samuel Rogers Esq. by Solomon Hassell, Silas Davenport & Richard Davenport. There being no stock or provisions on hand, she was alloted $76.21.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Jesse Spruill to Priscilla Armstrong on 19 Sep 1838, Samuel Rogers security.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of Jones D. Armstrong (32) with Priscilla Spruill (36), Mary Armstrong (17), Jordan Armstrong (13), Nelson Armstrong (30) & Jack Bryan (12 and black).

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Updated July 21, 2024
Charles W. Barnes