North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.51), Box 51
Sutton, Sarah, 1838

Bond dated 23 Oct 1838 in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars appointing Joseph Halsey guardian to Wilson R., Jeremiah, James & Mary Sutton orphans of Sarah Sutton deceased, H. G. Spruill & Wm. Mann securities.

Bond dated 29 Oct 1839 in the amount of ten thousand dollars appointing Henderson S. Sutton guardian to Jeremiah & James Sutton orphans of Sarah Sutton, Charles McCleese, Jno. Sikes, Benj. Sikes & Samuel Leigh securities.

Petition October Term 1839 by Wilson R. Sutton & Mary Sutton, infants under the age of 21 years, by their guardian Jos. Halsey showing that your petitioners and Jeremiah & James Sutton, infants under the age of 21, are tenants in common of about 15 negro slaves. Henderson S. Sutton is the guardian of said Jeremiah & James. Petitioners are each entitled to one fourth part of said slaves and are desirous to have their respective shares allotted and set apart to them. Petitioners therefore pray that commissioners be appointed to divide the said slaves.

Division of the negroes belonging to the estate of Sarah Sutton deceased on 25 Dec 1839 by H. G. Spruill, Jos. Alexander, Thos. H. Alexander, Danl. N. Bateman & M. Brickhouse. Heirs are Wilson R. Sutton, Jeremiah W. Sutton, James S. Sutton & Mary S. S. Sutton.
Lot 1 valued at $1400 drawn by Wilson R. Sutton
Darby (man) valued at $700
Rose (woman) valued at $400
Gilbert (boy) valued at $300
Lot 2 valued at $1525 to Mary S. S. Sutton and pays $56.25 to Lot 2
Jeffrey (man) valued at $600
Alia (woman) & child Maria valued at $400
Nancy (old woman) valued at $125
Dick (boy) valued at $400
Lot 3 valued at $1550 drawn by James S. Sutton and pays $68.75 to Lot 1 and $12.50 to Lot 4
Thomas (boy) valued at $650
Ann (girl) valued at $500
Susan (girl) valued at $400
Lot 4 valued at $1400 drawn by Jeremiah W. Sutton
Peter (boy) valued at $450
Pleasant (woman) and child Bob valued at $650
Caroline (girl) valued at $300

Division of the lands of Sarah Sutton deceased among her heirs on 25 Dec 1839 by Hezekiah G. Spruill, Joseph Alexander, Thomas H. Alexander, james Brickhouse & Samuel Leigh. Land divided by quality and value with Wilson R. Sutton drawing Lot 1 of 73 acres, Mary Sutton drawing Lot 2 of 193 acres, Jeremiah Sutton drawing Lot 3 of 211 acres and James Sutton drawing Lot 4 containg 248 acres. Wilson R. Sutton's lot is valued at $300 more than the rest so he pays $100 to each.

Guardian account of Joseph Halsey for Wilson R. Sutton for 1839.

Guardian account of Joseph Halsey for James Sutton for 1839.

Guardian account of Joseph Halsey for Jeremiah Sutton for 1839.

Petition January Term 1841 by Samuel Leigh & Charles McClees who became securities in 1939 to a guardian bond given by Henderson S. Sutton for the faithful management of the estate of Jeremiah & James Sutton, infants under the age of 21 years, and John Sikes & Benj. Sikes are co-securities of said bond. Petitioners were induced to sign the bond by the promises of said Sutton but he is a man of intemperate habit & likely so to damage the estate of his said wards as to subject your petitioners as his securities to heavy pecuniary loss. They therefore pray that Henderson S. Sutton be summoned and required to give other securities than your petitioners or removed from guardianship.

Guardian account of H. S. Sutton for James Sutton for 1842.

Summons dated 9 Nov 1843 for Henderson S. Sutton as guardian to James S. Sutton to appear before a Justice of the Peace on 11 Nov 1843 at Columbia to answer the complaint of E. & S. S. Simmons in a plea of debt due by account of $50. Judgement for $30.50 and costs imposed bt S. Rogers on 11 Nov 1843. Defendant appealed and gave for security Jeremiah Sutton.

Undated summons for G. W. Ward to be at court on the 4th Monday in October 1844 to testify on behalf of the defendant in a case in which E. & S. S. Simmons is plaintiff and H. S. Sutton is defendant.

Summons dated 28 Oct 1844 for Richard D, Davenport & Joseph Halsey to come to court immediately to testify on behalf of the defendant in a case in which E. & S. S. Simmons is plaintiff and Henderson S. Sutton is defendant.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Henderson Sutton to Sarah Wynn on 17 Feb 1818, Joseph Horniblow security.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County reveals that Henderson S. Sutton was born circa 1794, so it is probable that he is the Henderson Sutton who married Sarah Wynne in 1818. After her death he married twice more in 1840 and 1844 to Paramours.

See the 1831 will of Jeremiah Wynne, father of Sarah Sutton. He left a large estate in trust to his daughter Sarah and her children. This would explain why Henderson S. Sutton received none of her estate. In addition it reveals that Mary Halsey, wife of Joseph Halsey, was also a daughter of Jeremiah Wynne and sister of Sarah Sutton. This would explain Henderson S. Sutton and Joseph Halsey being guardians of Sarah's children.

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Updated August 7, 2024
Charles W. Barnes