Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1843

Ordered that Charles McClees, Jesse Sikes & T. L. Jones lay off to Sarah Sawyer widow of Joab Sawyer deceased her years provisions.

Jesse Sawyer returned an inventory and amount of sales of the property belonging to the estate of Joab Sawyer deceased.

Ordered that Jesse Sawyer administer upon the estate of Joab Sawyer and that he enter into bond of three thousand dollars with Ashbee Liverman, Charles McClees & Jesse Sikes securities.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.44), Box 44
Sawyer, Joab, 1835

Bond dated 28 Jan 1835 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Joab Sawyer Junr. guardian of Jesse, Angelica, Anson & Mary Ann Sawyer orphans of Joab Sawyer, Charles McClees & Thos. M. Liverman securities.

Bond dated 22 Nov 1842 in the amount of 2,000 dollars appointing Jesse Sawyer administrator of the estate of Joab Sawyer deceased, Isaac Spencer & John Liverman securities.

Bond dated 23 Jan 1843 in the amount of {blank} appointing Jesse Sawyer administrator of the estate of Joab Sawyer deceased, Ashbe Liverman, Chas. McClees & Jesse Sikes securities.

Petition January Term 1843 by Sarah Sawyer widow of Joab Sawyer who died seized of a tract of 120 acres adjoining Fred Alfred, George Sawyer & Dempsey Liverman's heirs. Requesting her dower in these lands be laid off. Her husband left as his heirs at law Jesse, Angelica, Anson, Mary, Select & Henry H. Sawyer all of whom are infants except the first named. Service accepted by Jesse Sawyer at January Term 1843.

Court order April Term 1843 for the Sheriff to summon a jury to lay off her dower in her deceased husband's land.

Laying off of the dower of Sarah Sawyer in the land of her deceased husband, Joab Sawyer, on 2 Jun 1843. Seventeen acres including the dwelling and outhouses adjoining Isaih Cahoon's widow and Dempsey Liverman.

Petition July Term 1844 by Jesse Sawyer administrator of the estate of Joab Sawyer. He has administered on the estate of his father for 18 months and believes all debts have been paid. There is a slave about 30 years of age named Andrew belonging to the estate and there are seven distributees. Requests sale of the slave in order to make division.

Bond dated 27 Jan 1845 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Jesse Sawyer guardian of Anson & Mary Sawyer orphans of Joab Sawyer, Ashbe Liverman & Frederick E. Alfred securities.

Bond dated 27 Jan 1845 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Isaac Spencer guardian of Henry Sawyer & Silas Sawyer, Charles McClees & F. E. Alfred securities.

Bond dated 24 Jan 1848 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Jesse Sawyer guardian of Anson & Mary Sawyer orphans of Joab Sawyer, Luther Babbit & Isaac Sawyer securities.

Bond dated 24 Jan 1848 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Isaac Spencer guardian of Silack Sawyer & Henry H. Sawyer, orphans of Joab Sawyer deceased, Thomas Cooper & Jesse Sawyer securities.

Bond dated 25 Apr 1851 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Isaac Spencer guardian of Sillick & Henry Sawyer orphans of Joseph Sawyer, T. L. Jones & Jesse Sikes securities.

Court order dated 11 Jan 1858 to summon Isaac Spencer guardian to Sillick & Henry Sawyer for failing to submit accounts of his ward's estates and to renew his guardian bond.

Bond dated 26 Jan 1858 in the amount of 500 dollars appointing Isaac Spencer guardian of Sillick & Henry Sawyer, Thomas Liverman & Thomas Swain securities.

Transcriber's Notes:
Sarah Sawyer appears in the 1850 Census of Tyrrell County as head of household and age 37. Other household members include Cyllick Sawyer, male age 9, Henry Sawyer, male age 8, and Phebe Spencer, female age 30.

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Updated February 5, 2023
Charles W. Barnes