North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.44), Box 44
Sawyer, Levin, 1836

Undated petition by Lavinia Sawyer who states that her husband, Levin Sawyer, died in January 1836 possessed of a small perishable estate and that no administration has been taken on the estate. She is destitute and has three children that require support and live with her. She therefore prays a year's allowance be assigned to her.

Laying off of a year's allowance to Lavinia Sawyer, widow of Levin Sawyer, on 19 Feb 1836 by Thomson Liverman, Bartholomew Swindell & Timothy Cohoon. Being no stock crop nor provisions on hand they give unto the said widow one hundred dollars to be raised from the property of the said deceased husband and give unto they said widow all of the perishable property to raise the above allowance from.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Levin Sawyer to Levina Smith on 1 Aug 1814, Christopher Sawyer security.

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Updated July 18, 2024
Charles W. Barnes